Basic interviewing A practical guide for counselors and clinicians
Edit: Michel Hersen, Vincent B. Van Hasselt
- USA Psychology Press 2008
- VII, 239 p. 22.9 cm
Includes index (235-238 p.)
General Issues Jan Faust Beginning the interview and Confidentially Maureen Kenny Rapport Empathy and Reflection Faye E.Johnston Vincent B.Van Hasselt, and Michel Hersen History of the Presenting Complaint G. Stennis Watson and Alan M.Gross Social History Bunny Falk The Medical History Oscar G, Bukstein The Mental Status Examination Charles J, Golden and Philinda Smith Hutchings Writing Up the Intake Interview Daniel L Segal Dealıng Wıth Defensıvenss Steven N Gold Dealıng Wıth the Overtalkatıve Clıent Wıllıam I Dorfman Ending the interview Erıc F Wagner, Jon D Kassel and Shannon I, Jackson Knowing when you refer William J Burns and Clio V Hatziyannakis Identifying Targets for Treatments Warren W Tryon Author Index 235 Subject Index 237 About the Author 239