Histology A text and atlas with correlated cell and molecular biology
Michael H. Ross, Wojciech Pawlina
- 7th edi.
- China Wolters Kluwer 2016
- XV, 984 p. col.pics. 27.5 cm
Includes index (962-984 p.)
METHODS 1 OVERVIEW OF METHODS USED IN HISTOLOGY 1 TISSUE PREPARATION 2 HISTOCHEMISTRY AND CYTOCHEMISTRY 3 MICROSCOPY 11 Folder 1.1 Clinical Correlation: Frozen Sections Folder 1.2 Functıonal Considerations: Feulgen Microspectrophotometry 7 Folder 1.3 Clinical Correlation: Monoclonal Antibodies in Medicine 9 Folder 1.4 Functional Considerations: Proper Use of the Light Microscope 15 HISTOLOGY 101 22 Cell Cytoplasm 23 OVERVIEW OF THE CELL AND THE CYTOPLASM 23 MEMBRANOUS ORGANELLS 26 NONMEMBRANOUS ORGANELLS 55 INCLUSIONS 70 CYTOPLASMIC MATRIX 71 Folder 2.1 Clinical Correlation: Lysosomal Storage Diseases 42 Folder 2.2 Clinical Correlation: Abnormalities in Microtubules and Filaments 65 Folder 2.3 Clinical Correlation: Abnormal Duplication of Centrioles and Cancer HISTOLOGY 101 72 The Cell Nucleus 74 OVERVIEW OF THE NUCLEUS NUCLEAR COMPONENTS 74 CELL RENEWAL CELL CYCLE 84 CELL DEATH 90 Folder 3.1 Clinical Correlation: Cytogenetic Testing 79 Folder 3.2 Clinical Correlation: Regulation of Cell Cycle and Cancer Treatment 80 HISTOLOGY 101 95 Tıssues: Concept and Classıfıcatıon 97 OVERVIEW OF TISSUES 97 EPITHELIUM 98 CONNECTIVE TISSUE MUSCLE TISSUE 99 NERVE TISSUE 99 HISTOGENESIS OF TISSUES 100 IDENTIFYING TISSUES 101 Folder 4.1 Clinical Correlation: Ovarian Teratomas 102 HISTOLOGY 101 104 Epıthelial Tissue 105 OVERVIEW OF EPITHELIAL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION 105 CLASSIFICATION OF EPITHELIUM 106 CELL POLARITY 107 THE APICAL DOMAIN AND ITS MODIFICATIONS 107 THE LATERAL DOMAIN AND ITS SPECILIZATION IN CELL-TO-CELL ADHESION 120 THE BASAL DOMAIN AND ITS SPECILIZATION IN CELL-TO-CELL EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX ADHESION 133 GLANDS 143 EPITHELIAL CELL RENEWAL 146 Folder 5.1 Clinical Correlation: Epithelial Metalasia 109 Folder 5.2 Clinical Correlation: Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (Immotile Cilia Syndrome) 118 Folder 5.3 Clinical Correlation: Junctional Complexes as a Target of Pathogenic Agents 126 Folder 5.4 Functional Considerations: Basement Membrane and Basal Lamina Terminology 135 Folder 5.5 Functional Considerations: Mucous and Serous Membranes 147 HISTOLOGY 101 148 Atlas Plates PLATE 1 Simple Squamous and Cuboidal Epithelia 150 PLATE 2 Simple and Stratified Epithelia 152 PLATE 3 Stratified Epithelia and Epitheliod Tissues 154 Connective Tissue 156 OVERVIEW OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE 156 EMBRYONIC CONNECTIVE TISSUE 165 CONNECTIVE TISSUE PROPER 158 CONNECTIVE TISSUE FIBRES 160 EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX 171 CONNECTIVE TISSUE CELLS 174 Folder 6.1 Clinical Correlation: Collagenopathies 167 Folder 6.2 Clinical Correlation: Sun Exposure and Molecular Changes in Photoaged Skin 171 Folder 6.3 Clinical Correlation: Role of Myofibroblasts in Wound Repair 180 Folder 6.4 Functional Considerations: The Mononuclear Phagocyte System 181 Folder 6.5 Clinical Correlation: The Role of Mast Cells and Basophils in Allergic Reactions 183 HISTOLOGY 101 186 Atlas Plates PLATE 4 Loose and Dense Irregular Connective Tissue 188 PLATE 5 Dense Reggular Connective Tissue, Tendons, and Ligaments 190 PLATE 6 Elastic Fibres and Elastic Lamellae 192 Cartilage 194 OVERVIEW OF CARTILAGE 194 HYALINE CARTILAGE 194 ELASTIC CARTILAGE 200 FIBROCARTILAGE 200 CHONDROGENESIS AND CARTILAGE GROWTH 201 REPAIR OF HYALINE CARTILAGE 203 Folder 7.1 Clinical Correlation: Osteoarthritis 195 Folder 7.2 Clinical Correlation: Malignant Tumors of the Cartilage; Chondrosarcomas 203 HISTOLOGY 101 Atlas Plates PLATE 7 Hyaline Cartilage 206 PLATE 8 Hyaline Cartilage and the Developing Skeleton 208 PLATE 9 Elastic Cartilage 210 PLATE 10 Fibrocartilage 212 Bone 214 OVERVIEW OF BONE 214 GENERAL STRUCTURE OF BONES 215 TYPES OF BONE TISSUE 217 CELLS OF BONE TISSUE 219 BONE FORMATION 228 BIOLOGIC MINERALIZATION AND MATRIX VESICLES 235 PHYSIOLOGIC ASPECTS OF BONE 236 BIOLOGY OF BONE REPAIR 239 Folder 8.1 Clinical Correlation: Joint Diseases 217 Folder 8.2 Clinical Correlation: Osteoporosis 237 Folder 8.3 Clinical Correlation: Nutritional Factors in Bone Formation 239 Folder 8.4 Functional Considerations: Hormonal Regulation of Bone Growth 239 HISTOLOGY 101 242 Atlas Plates PLATE 11 Bone, Ground Section 244 PLATE 12 Bone and Bone Tissue 246 PLATE 13 Endotracheal Bone Formation 248 PLATE 14 Endochondral Bone Formation 250 PLATE 15 Intramembranous Bone Formation 252 Adipose Tissue 254 OVERVIEW OF ADIPOSE TISSUE 254 WHITE ADIPOSE TISSUE 254 BROWN ADIPOSE TISSUE 259 TRANSDIFFERENTIATION OF ADIPOSE TISSUE 266 Folder 9.1 Clinical Correlation: Obesity 261 Folder 9.2 Clinical Correlation: Adipose Tissue Tumors 263 Folder 9.3 Clinical Correlation: PET Scanning and Brown Adipose Tissue Interference 264 HISTOLOGY 101 267 Atlas Plate PLATE 16 Adipose Tissue 268 Blood 270 OVERVIEW OF BLOOD 270 PLASMA 271 ERYTHROCYTES 273 LEUKOCYTES 277 THROMBOCYTES 288 COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT 291 FORMATION OF BLOOD CELLS (HEMOPOIESIS) 292 BONE MARROW 301 Folder 10.1 Clinical Correlation: ABO and RH Blood Group Systems 275 Folder 10.2 Clinical Correlation: Hemoglobin in Patients with Diabetes 277 Folder 10.3 Clinical Correlation: Hemoglobin Disorders 278 Folder 10.4 Clinical Correlation: Inherited Disorders of Neutrophils; Chronic Granulomatous Disease 283 Folder 10.5 Clinical Correlation: Hemoglobin Breakdown and Jaundice 284 Folder 10.6 Clinical Correlation: Cellularity of the Bone Marrow 303 HISTOLOGY 101 304 Atlas Plates PLATE 17 Erythrocytes and Granulocytes 306 PLATE 18 Agranulocytes and Red Marrow 308 PLATE 19 Erythropoesis 310 PLATE 20 Granulopoiesis 312 Muscle Tissue OVERVIEW AND CLASSIFICATION OF MUSCLE SKELETAL MUSCLE CARDIAC MUSCLE SMOOTH MUSCLE Folder 11.1 Functional Considerations: Muscle Metabolism and Ischemia Folder 11.2 Clinical Correlation: Muscular Dystrophies - Dystrophin and Dyatophin - Associated Proteins Folder 11.3 Clinical Correlation: Myasthenia Gravis Folder 11.4 Functional Considerations: Comparison of the Three Muscle Types HISTOLOGY 101 Atlas Plates PLATE 21 Skeletal Muscle PLATE 22 Skeletal Muscle II and Electron Microscopy PLATE 23 Myotendinous Junction PLATE 24 Cardiac Muscle PLATE 25 Cardiac Muscle, Purkinje Fibres PLATE 26 Smooth Muscle Nerve Tissue OVERVIEW OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM COMPOSITION OF NERVE TISSUE THE NEURON SUPPORTING CELLS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM: THE NEUROGLIA ORIGIN OF NERVE TISSUE CELLS ORGANISATION OF THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ORGANISATION OF THE AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM ORGANISATION OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM RESPONSE OF NEURONS TO INJURY Folder 12.1 Clinical Correlation: Parkinson's Disease Folder 12.2 Clinical Correlation: Demyelinating Diseases Folder 12.3 Clinical Correlation: Reactive Gliosis: Scar Formation in the Central Nervous System Atlas Plates PLATE 27 Sympathetic and Dorsal Root Ganglia PLATE 28 Peripheral Nerve PLATE 29 Cerebrum PLATE 30 Cerebellum PLATE 31 Spinal Cord Cardiovascular System OVERVIEW OF THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM HEART GENERAL FEATURES OF ATERIES AND VEINS ARTERIES CAPILLARIES ARTERIOVENOUS SHUNTS VEINS ATYPICAL BLOOD VESSELS LYMPHATIC BLOOD VESSELS Folder 13.1 Clinical Correlation: Atherosclerosis Folder 13.2 Clinical Correlation: Hypertension Folder 13.3 Clinical Correlation: Ischemic Heart Disease HISTOLOGY 101 Atlas Plate PLATE 32 Heart PLATE 33 Aorta PLATE 34 Muscular Arteries and Medium Veins PLATE 35 Arterioles, Venules, and Lymphatic Vessels Lymphatic System OVERVIEW OF THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM CELLS OF THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM LYMPHATIC TISSUES AND ORGANS Folder 14.1 Functional Considerations: Origin of the Names T Lymphocyte and B Lymphocyte Folder 14.2 Clinical Correlation; Hypersensitivity Reactions Folder 14.3 Clinical Correlation: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Folder 14.4 Clinical Correlation: Reactive (Inflammatory) Lymphadenitis HISTOLOGY 101 Atlas Plates PLATE 36 Palatine Tonsil PLATE 37 Lymph Node I PLATE 38 Lymph Node II PLATE 39 Spleen I PLATE 40 Spleen II PLATE 41 Thymus Integumentary System OVERVIEW OF THE INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM LAYERS OF THE SKIN CELLS OF THE EPIDERMIS STRUCTURES OF SKIN Folder 15.1 Clinical Correlation: Cancers of Epidermal Origin Folder 15.2 Functional Considerations: Skin Color Folder 15.3 Functional Considerations: Hair Growth and Hair Characteristics Folder 15.4 Functional Considerations: The Role of Sebum Folder 15.5 Clinical Correlation: Sweating and Disease Folder 15.6 Clinical Correlation: Skin Repair HISTOLOGY 101 Atlas Plate PLATE 42 Skin I PLATE 43 Skin II PLATE 44 Apocrine and Eccrine Sweat Glands PLATE 45 Sweat and Sebaceous Glands PLATE 46 Integument and Sensory Organs PLATE 47 Hair Follicle and Nail Digestive System I: Oral Cavity and Associated Structures OVERVIEW OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM ORAL CAVITY TONGUE TEETH AND SUPPORTING TISSUES SALIVARY GLANDS Folder 16.1 Clinical Corrrelation: The Genetic Basis of Taste Folder 16.2 Clinical Correlation: Classification of Permanent (Secondary) and Deciduous (Primary) Dentition Folder 16.3 Clinical Correlations: Dental Caries Folder 16.4 Clinical Correlation: Salivary Gland Tumors HISTOLOGY101 Atlas Plates PLATE 48 Lip and Mucocutaneous Junction PLATE 49 Tongue I PLATE 50 Toungue II - Foliate Papillae and Taste Buds PLATE 51 Submandibular Gland PLATE 52 Parotid Gland PLATE 53 Sublingual Gland Digestive System II: Esophagus and Gastrointestinal Tract OVERVIEW OF THE ESOPHAGUS AND GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT ESOPHAGUS STOMACH SMALL INTESTINE LARGE INTESTINE Folder 17.1 Clinical Correlation: Pernicious Anemia and Peptic Ulcer Disease Folder 17.2 Clinical Correlation: Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome Folder 17.3 Functional Considerations: The Gastrointestinal Endocrine System Folder 17.4 Functional Considerations: Digestive and Absorptive Functions of Enterocytes Folder 17.5 Functional Considerations: Immune Functions of the Alimentary Canal Folder 17.6 Clinical Correlation: The Pattern of Lymph Vessel Distribution and Disease of the Large Intestine Folder 17.7 Clinical Correlation: Colorectal Cancer HISTOLOGY 101 Atlas Plates PLATE 54 Esophagus PLATE 55 Esophagus and Stomach, Cardiac Region PLATE 56 Stomach I PLATE 57 Stomach II PLATE 58 Gastrodoudenal Junction PLATE 59 Doudenum PLATE 60 Jejunum PLATE 61 Ileum PLATE 62 Colon PLATE 63 Appendix PLATE 64 Anal Canal Digestive System III: Liver, Gallbladder, and Pancrease LIVER GALLBLADDER PANCREAS Folder 18.1 Clinical Correlation: Lipoproteins Folder 18.2 Clinical Correlation: Congestive Heart Failure and Liver Necrosis Folder 18.3 Clinical Correlations: Insulin Production and Alzheimers Disease Folder 18.4 Functional Considerations: Insulin Synthesis, an Example of Posttranslational Processing HISTOLOGY 101 Atlas Plates PLATE 65 Liver I PLATE 66 Liver II PLATE 67 Gallbladder PLATE 68 Pancreas Respiratory System OVERVIEW OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM NASAL CAVITIES PHARYNX LARYNX TRACHEA BRONCHI BRONCHIOLES ALVEOLI BLOOD SUPPLY LYMPHATIC VESSELS NERVES Folder 19.1 Clinical Correlation: Squamous Metaplasia in the Respiratory Tract Folder 19.2 Clinical Correlation: Asthma Folder 19.3 Clinical Correlation: Cystic Fibrosis Folder 19.4 Clinical Correlation: Emphysema and Pneumonia HISTOLOGY 101 Atlas Plates PLATE 69 Olfactory Mucosa PLATE 70 Larynx PLATE 71 Trachea PLATE 72 Bronchioles and End Respiratory Passages PLATE 73 Terminal Bronchiole, Respiratory Bronchiole, and Alveolus Urinary System OVERVIEW OF THE URINARY SYSTEM GENERAL STRUCTURE OF THE KIDNEY KIDNEY TUBULE FUNCTION INTERSTITIAL CELLS HISTOPHYSIOLOGY OF THE KIDNEY BLOOD SUPPLY LYMPHATIC VESSELS NERVE SUPPLY URETER, URINARY BLADDER, AND URETHRA Folder 20.1 Functional Considerations: Kidney and Vitamin D Folder 20.2 Clinical Correlation: Antiglomerular Basement Membrane Antibody-Induced Glomerulonephritis, Goodpasture Syndrome Folder 20.3 Clinical Correlation: Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System and Hypertension Folder 20.4 Clinical Correlation: Examination of the Urine-Urinalysis Folder 20.5 Functional Considerations: Structure and Function of Aquaporin Water Channels Folder 20.6 Functional Consideration: Antidiuretic Hormone Regulation of Collecting Duct Function HISTOLOGY 101 Atlas Plates PLATE 74 Kidney I PLATE 75 Kidney II PLATE 76 Kidney III PLATE 77 Kidney IV PLATE 78 Ureter PLATE 79 Urinary Bladder Endocrine Organs OVERVIEW OF THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM PITUITARY GLAND (HYPOPHYSIS) HYPOTHALAMUS PINEAL GLAND THYROID GLAND PARATHYROID GLANDS ADRENAL GLANDS Folder 21.1 Function Considerations: Regulation of Pituitary Gland Secretion Folder 21.2 Clinical Correlation: Principles of Endocrine Disease Folder 21.3 Clinical Correlation: Pathologies Associated with ADH Secretion Folder 21.4 Clinical Correlation: Abnormal Thyroid Function Folder 21.5 Clinical Correlation: Chromaffin Cells and Pheochromocytoma Folder 21.6 Functional Considerations: Biosynthesis of Adrenal Hormones HISTOLOGY 101 Atlas Plates PLATE 80 Pituitary I PLATE 81 Pituitary II PLATE 82 Pineal Gland PLATE 83 Parathyroid and Thyroid Glands PLATE 84 Adrenal Gland I PLATE 85 Adrenal Gland II Male Reproductive System OVERVIEW OF THE MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM TESTIS SPERMATOGENESIS SEMINIFEROUS TUBULES INTRATESTICULAR DUCTS EXCURRENT DUCT SYSTEM ACCESSORY SEX GLANDS PROSTATE GLAND SEMEN PENIS Folder 22.1 Functional Considerations: Hormonal Regulation of Spermatogenesis Folder 22.2 Clinical Correlatioin: Factors Affecting Spermatogenesis Folder 22.3 Clinical Correlation: Sperm-Specific Antigens and the Immune Response Folder 22.4 Clinical Correlation: Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy and Cancer of the Prostate Folder 22.5 Clinical Correlation: Mechanism of Erection and Erectile Dysfunction HISTOLOGY 101 Atlas Plates PLATE 86 Testis I PLATE 87 Testis II PLATE 88 Efferent Ductules and Epididymis PLATE 89 Spermatic Cord and Ductus Deferens PLATE 90 Prostate Gland PLATE 91 Seminal Vesicle Female Reproductive System OVERVIEW OF THE FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM OVARY UTERINE TUBES UTERUS PLACENTA VAGINA EXTERNAL GENITALIA MAMMARY GLANDS Folder 23.1 Clinical Correlation: Polycystic Ovarian Disease Folder 23.2 Clinical Correlation: In Vitro Fertilization Folder 23.3 Functional Considerations: Summary of the Hormonal Regulation of the Ovarian Cycle Folder 23.4 Clinical Correlation: Fate of the Mature Placenta at Birth Folder 23.5 Clinical Correlation: Cytologic Pap Smears Folder 23.6 Clinical Correlation: Cervix and Human Papillomavirus Infections Folder 23.7 Functional Considerations: Lactation and Infertility HISTOLOGY 101 Atlas Plates PLATE 92 Ovary I PLATE 93 Ovary II PLATE 94 Corpus Luteum PLATE 95 Uterine Tube PLATE 96 Uterus I PLATE 97 Uterus II PLATE 98 Cervix PLATE 99 Placenta I PLATE 100 Placenta II PLATE 101 Vigina PLATE 102 Mammary Gland Inactive Stage PLATE 103 Mammary Gland, Late Proliferative and Lactating Stages Eye OVERVIEW OF THE EYE GENERAL STRUCTURE OF THE EYE MICROSCOPIC STRUCTURE OF THE EYE Folder 24.1 Clinical Correlation: Glaucoma Folder 24.2 Clinical Correlation: Retina Detachment Folder 24.3 Clinical Correlation: Age-Related Muscular Degeneration Folder 24.4 Clinical Correlation: Color Blindness Folder 24.5 Clinical Correlation: Conjuctivitis HISTOLOGY 101 Atlas Plates PLATE 104 Eye I PLATE 105 Eye II: Retina PLATE 106 Eye III: Anterior Segment PLATE 107 Eye IV: Sclera, Cornea, and Lens Ear OVERVIEW OF THE EAR EXTERNAL EAR MIDDLE EAR INTERNAL EAR Folder 25.1 Clinical Correlation: Otosclerosis Folder 25.2 Clinical Correlation: Hearing Loss-Vestibular Dysfunction Folder 25.3 Clinical Correlation: Vertigo HISTOLOGY 101 Atlas Plates PLATE 108 Ear PLATE 109 Cochlear Canal and Organ of Corti Index
9781469889313 £45.50
Medicine Tıp Histology Histoloji Histology -- atlases Histoloji - atlaslar