Robbin's basic pathology
ed. Vinay Kumar, Abul K. Abbas, Jon C. Aster
- 10th ed.
- Canada Elsevier 2018
- xiv, 935 p.; tables; figures; 27.5 cm.
Includes index (909 - 935 p.)
The Cell as a Unit of Health and Disease Richard N.Mitchell Cell Injury. Cell Death, and Adaptations 31 Inflammation and Repair 57 Hemodynamic Disorders, Thromboembolism, and Shock 97 Disease of the Immune System 121 Neoplasia 189 Genetic and Pediatric Diseases 243 Environmental and Nutritional Disease 299 General Pathology of Infectious Diseases 341 Blood Vessels 361 Heart 399 Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Systems 441 Aliya Husain 495 Kidney and its Collecting System 549 Oral Cavities and Gastrointestinal Tract 583 Liver and Gallbladder 637 Pancreas 679 Male Genital System and Lower Urinary Tract 691 Female Genital System and Breast 713 Endocrine System 749 Bones, Joints, and Soft Tissue Tumors 797 Peripheral Nerves and Muscles 835 Skin 889 Index 909
Anatomy - Pathology Anatomi - Patoloji Molecular basis - Disease Moleküler temel - Hastalık