Nguesse Epangue, Prudence Barbara

Media in conflict: Contesting narratives of the anglophone crisis in Cameroon Prudence Barbara Nguesse Epangue; Supervisor: Nusret Sinan Evcan - Nicosia: Cyprus International University, 2020. - VII, 81 p.; color picture, color map, 20.5 cm CD

Includes CD

Conflict has undeniably won a permanent spot on global headlines and it is very important to understand how these media impact conflict. This study investigates the ongoing Anglophone problem in Cameroon and also analyzes the media action between the state and alternative media. The conflict which is fueled by Southern Cameroon’s anger and frustration towards marginalization from the French Cameroon has claimed several lives and properties from the year 2016 when it first started till date. The protest which started out peacefully went sour when the government retaliated with violence. This stirred the people to turn to alternative media to vent and express and expose their grievances. The involvement of the media totally redefined the crisis with different voices (state, foreign and alternative) framing the crisis the best way they felt it should be perceived.
Keywords: Anglophone Crisis, Cameroon, Conflict, Media, marginalization, federalists, separatists.

Includes references

Anglophone crisis
Anglofon krizi
Conflict -- Media
Çatışma -- Medya
Federalist -- Separatists
Federalist - Ayrılıkçılar