Erökten, Şimal Süheyla

Do Green Marketing Strategies make consumers more eco-friendly? : The influence of Green Marketing Strategies on consumer behavior/ Şimal Süheyla Erökten ; Supervisor: Tarık Atan - Nicosia; Cyprus International University: 2020. - VIII, 59 p.; tables: 30.5 cm.

CD var/Includes CD

Includes references(48-52 p.) Includes appendix(53-58 p.)

Today, the awareness of the consumers as a result of the serious increase in the environmental problems makes it compulsory for companies to meet their expectations and demands. In this context, companies are developing various strategies to attract or retain environmentally conscious consumers as well as to convince and raise awareness for the other consumers with their products.
In my research, as the aim of the research I will be discussing the environmentally friendly (or green) products and their marketing strategies to understand the consumers' buying behavior and effect on consumers' environmental awareness among the green marketing strategies.
In the first three parts this study covers up the literature review as - Chapter 1 identifies the term "environmentally friendly products", Chapter 2 identifies the term "green marketing" and Chapter 3 identifies the term "green consumerism and consumption". There are Chapters 4 and 5, which identifies the problem, the purpose of the study and research methods and states the results from the followed research and the assessment based on the outcomes, and the validity of the research hypotheses. Finally, there is Chapter 6, which concludes the results and give recommendations in order to be useful for future studies.
Survey method was used in the research. The surveys were carried out on 16th May-5th June in 2020 within the framework of ethical rules. A total of 280 people were surveyed. The data obtained from the questionnaires were uploaded to SPSS 26.0 program and correlation and regression analyses were applied. As a result of correlation and regression analysis, green marketing strategies effects both environmental awareness and green purchasing behaviors of the consumers in positive way. Demographic characteristics have moderate effect on model.
Keywords: green marketing, green marketing strategy, eco-friendly products, consumer behavior, consumers' green behavior.

Key words:

Business Administration
Marketing strategies
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