AU - Thussu, Daya Kishan TI - International communication: Continuity and change SN - 034088892X U1 - 384 PY - 0000/// CY - PB - KW - Communication telecommunication KW - İletişim telekomünikasyon N1 - Includes glossary,appendix & references (250-311 p.); Icludes index (312-336 p.); 1; The Hıstorıcal Context of Internatıonal Communication; 1; Communication and empire; 3; The growth of the telegraph; 9; The era of news agencies; 10; Case of Study: The Rise of Reuters; 12; The advent of popular media; 14; Radio and International Communication; 15; The battle of the airwaves; 16; The Cold War- From communist Propaganda to Capitalist Persuasion; 19; Case study: covert communication -Radio free Europe and Radio Liberty; 26; International Communication and Development; 27; Case study: Satellite Instructional Television Experiment (SITE); 31; The demand foe a New World Information and Communication Order; 40; Approach to theorizing international Communication; 42; Free Flow of Information; 42; Modernization theory; 46; Dependency Theory; 50; Structural imperialism; 52; Hegemony; 53; Critical Theory; 55; The Public Sphere; 56; Cultural Studies Perspectives on international communication; 57; Theories of the information society; 60; Discourses of globalization; 64; A critical international communication theory?; 66; Creating a global communication infrastructure; 66; The Privatization of telecommunications; 67; Free trade in communication products and services; 73; Liberalization of the telecom sector; 76; Privatizing space- the final frontier; 78; Case study : intelsat; 81; The global satellite industry; 84; Regional Satellite services; 86; Case study: Murdoch's media -The eyes of the world are on us; 92; The globalization of telecoms; 94; Implications of a liberalized global communication regime; 98; The global media bazaar; 98; Convergence; 111; Global trade in media products; 115; Case study: Televising Sport Globally-ESPN; 130; Global news and information networks; 135; Case study: CNN - The world's news Leader; 141; Setting the global news agenda; 145; The Global and the local in media culture; 145; Globalization of American culture?; 149; Case study: MTV Music Television; 160; Concern for cultural diversity; 163; Global English; 166; Regionalization and Localization in the media market; 176; Case study: Zee TV and hybrid television; 180; Contraflow in the global media; 180; Viewing the global village; 183; Discontents of Cultural Globalization; 185; Global Counterflow of Televion; 190; Case study: Al-Jazeera- the island that became a global news phenomenon; 193; China's Peaceful rising and global communication; 195; Media Exports from the south to the north; 196; Case study: The transnationalization of telenovelas; 200; case study: The other Hollywood- the Indian film industry; 207; International Communication in the Internet age; 207; The dawn of the Internet age; 212; The Internet and a Free Flow of commerce; 214; Case study; The Googlization of global communication; 219; Case study: Globalization of infotainment and edutainment; 227; The internet and political communication; 231; Case study: The global war on terrorism; 235; The global digital divide; 244; International communication-continuity and change; 250; Glossary; 260; Appendix I : A chronology of international communication; 270; Appendix II: Useful websites; 276; Appendix III: Discussion Questions; 279; Reference; 312; Author index; 318; Subject index ER -