Meyer, Jerrold S. 1947-

Psychopharmacology Drugs, the brain, and behavior Jerrold S. Meyer, Linda F. Quenzer - China Sinauer 2005 - XVII, 555p. graph, col.fig., ill. 29 cm.

Includes glossary. [469-490 p.] İncludes references. [493-513 p.] Includes author and subject index. [515-555 p.]

Principles of Pharmacology 3 Structure and Function of the Nervous System 33 Chemical Signaling by Neurotransmitters and Hormones 63 Methods of Research in Neurotransmitters and Hormones 89 Catecholamines 119 Acetylcholine and Serotonin 139 Glutamate and GABA 163 Drug Abuse Dependence and Addiction 185 Alcohol 215 The Opiates 245 Psychomotor Stimulants; Cocaine and the Amphetamines 275 Nicotine and Caffeine 303 Marijuana and the Cannabinoids 327 Hallucinogens PCP and Ketamine 347 Inhalants GHB and Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids 365 Affective Disorders 385 Anxiety Disorders 411 Schizophrenia 441


Brain chemistry

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