Ambargolar, devlet teşvikleri, teknoloji ve pazarlama stratejileri açışından tarımın Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti'ndeki gelişimi Ekrem Civisilli; Danışman:Ayşen Berberoğlu by Dil: Türkçe
Yayın ayrıntıları:Lefkoşa Uluslararası Kıbrıs Üniversitesi 2020
Tez notu: ÖZ Tarım sektörü bir ülkenin ekonomik gelişme sürecinde stratejik bir rol oynamaktadır. Tarım sektörü halen Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyet'i ekonomisinin temel taşı durumundadır. Artan tarımsal verimliliğin ülkelerin genel ekonomik kalkınmasına önemli ölçüde katkıda bulunduğu görülmektedir ve gelişmekte olan ülkelerin tarım sektörünü geliştirmeye önem vermeleri. Halkın büyük çoğunluğunun refah umutlarının devam edebilmesi için tarımsal ilerlemenin olması gerekmektedir. Bu çalışma, KKTC'deki tarımsal gelişim faaliyetlerini ele almaktadır. Ayrıca ekonomik etkinlikler kapsamında tarımın gelişimi üzerinde durulmuştur. Ülkenin diğer ülkeler tarafından tanınmamışlığı ve ülkeye uygulanan ambargolarla birlikte, devlet teşvikleri, pazarlama stratejileri, ulaşım, iş gücü, sermaye ve teknoloji alanındaki sıkıntılar tarım sektörünün gelişmesini engellemektedir. KKTC'nin genel olarak tarım sektöründeki ithalatı ihracatından çok daha fazladır ve bu dengesizlik ticaret açığının giderek büyümesine sebep olmaktadır. Bu çalışma, Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti'nde tarım endüstrisinde ortaya çıkan sorunlara ve çözümlere odaklanmaktadır. Buradan yola çıkarak KKTC'de yapmış olduğumuz araştırmada, tarım sektörünün gelişiminin ülke üzerindeki etkilerinin, analizler aracılığı ile ölçülerek değerlendirmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmamızın bağımsız değişkenlerini pazarlama stratejileri, teknoloji, devlet teşvikleri ve ambargolar oluştururken, bağımlı değişkenleri ise tarımın gelişimidir. Bu araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak anket yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Anketimiz, 0.01. anlamlılık düzeyinde uygulanmıştır. Basit Tesadüfi Örnekleme Yöntemi esasıyla 201 adet anket uygulanmıştır. Anketlerden elde edilen veriler SPSS 24.0 programına yüklenerek bağımlı ve bağımsız değişkenler arasında korelasyon, regresyon ve T testleri yapılmıştır. Korelasyon analizleri sonucunda bağımlı ve bağımsız değişkenler arasında pozitif yönde bir ilişki olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu tez, Kuzey Kıbrıs'ta tarımın gelişme sürecini, Kıbrıs'ın Kuzey kesimindeki tarımsal iyileştirmelerin marjlarını, zorluklarını ve özelliklerini incelemeyi ve tartışmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu araştırmanın bir diğer amacı ise, tarım endüstrisinin gelişmekte olan ülkelerin ekonomisi üzerindeki etkiyi göstermektir Anahtar Kelimeler: Tarım, Ambargolar, Devlet Teşvikleri, Teknoloji, Pazarlama Stratejileri, Tarımın Gelişimi ABSTRACT The agricultural sector plays a strategic role in the economic development process of a country. The agriculture sector is still the cornerstone of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus economy. Increased agricultural productivity appears to contribute significantly to the overall economic development of countries, and developing countries attach importance to improving the agricultural sector. Agricultural progress must be in order for the majority of the people to continue their hopes for prosperity. This study deals with agricultural development activities in TRNC. In addition, the development of agriculture was emphasized within the scope of economic activities. The government's incentives, marketing strategies, transportation, labor, capital and technology problems prevent the development of the agricultural sector, along with the country's unrecognized and embargoes imposed on the country. The imports of the TRNC in the agricultural sector in general are much higher than their exports, and this imbalance causes the trade deficit to grow steadily. This study focuses on the problems and solutions that arise in the agricultural industry in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Based on this study, we aimed to evaluate the effects of the development of the agricultural sector on the country by measuring it through analyzes. While the independent variables of our research are marketing strategies, technology, government incentives and embargoes, the dependent variables are the development of agriculture. In this research, survey method was used as data collection tool. Our survey is 0.01. applied at the level of significance. 201 questionnaires were applied on the basis of Simple Random Sampling Method. The data obtained from the questionnaires were uploaded to the SPSS 24.0 program, and correlation, regression and T tests were performed between dependent and independent variables. As a result of the correlation analysis, a positive relationship was found between the dependent and independent variables. This thesis aims to examine and discuss the development of agriculture in Northern Cyprus, the margins, challenges and features of agricultural improvements in the northern part of Cyprus. Another aim of this research is to show the impact of the agriculture industry on the economy of developing countries. Keywords: Agriculture, Embargoes, Government Incentives, Technology, Marketing Strategies, Development of Agriculture
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1666 C48 2020.
Poverty alleviation policies in Africa A comparative analysis of Nigeria and Uganda Rosemary Omolade Okafor; Supervisor: Anthony Eniayejuni by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia Cyprus International University 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT The problem of most African countries is poverty and the issues surrounding its eradication. Depending on how one sees it poverty has a lot of definition but it is basically the lack of ability to provide basic needs for oneself. Some of the things that leads to poverty are unemployment, lack of infrastructure, lack of good health, low income acquisition and lots more. This study seeks to look into what poverty means in Nigeria and Uganda context, and also how it is measured on household and societal level. The measures and procedures taken to eradicate poverty in Nigeria and Uganda will be studied. The roles of individuals and governments in contributing to the problem or their contributions to eradicate it will also be examined in this study. The strategies that has been put in place to eradicate poverty in order to better the lives of people. Keywords: Nigeria; Poverty; Alleviation; Uganda; Corruption.
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1677 O43 2020.
The candidate modulation schemes for fifth generation (5G) communication systems Samuel Belay; Supervisor: Hüseyin Öztoprak by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia: Cyprus International University, 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT A plethora of mobile phones are in wide use and produce huge amounts of data in daily life, due to this, intense impact on social communications and also creating colossal challenges for mobile network operators (MNO) as well as the quality of experience. This study compares the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing with Filtered Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing which is the candidate modulation scheme for next-generation wireless communication systems. The evaluation is done based on the power spectral density analysis of the signal by assigning certain system parameters for Matlab simulation. The simulation graphs are power spectral density versus normalized frequency, the result depicts that F-Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing has lower out-of-band emission so that utilization of the allocated spectrum is higher which leading to increased spectral efficiency. Furthermore, the paper elaborates on the mathematical aspect of both Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing and Filtered -Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing. Also, explain the reasons why a cyclic prefix is added in front of OFDM and the requirements of suitable filtering for Filtered-OFDM before concluding. Keywords - OFDM, f-OFDM, PSD, Modulation, Subcarriers, Side lobes, Spectral efficiency
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1676 B45 2020.
United Nations convention on child's trafficking and labour A comparative analysis of Nigeria and Uganda Chukwunweike Uchechukwu Ifeyinwa; Supervisor: Anthony Eniayejuni by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia; Cyprus International University, 2020
Tez notu: Abstract
There is no universally accepted legal definition of child protection across the world; however,
the concept of child protection is best defined as protecting children at risk of harm against
abuse, neglect, violence, exploitation and other serious harm that could adversely impact and
undermine their overall wellbeing. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
(UNCRC) sets out a more universally accepted definition of the rights of a child. Article 19 of
the UNCRC incorporates child protection duties incumbent on Governments to take all
necessary action to ensure that “children are protected from all forms of Violence, abuse,
neglect and bad treatment by their parents or anyone else who looks after them. This study will
examine the numerous policies put in place by the government of both countries to support
Child Protection. This study intends to explore, compare and contrast child trafficking and
labour implemented based on the United Nations and African Union with the aim of appraising
their achievements and failures, and seeking to offer suitable solutions to the way they can be
better implemented to support vulnerable young people.
Keywords: Child’s Trafficking; Child’s Labour; Poverty; Corruption
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1672 I44 2020.
The perception of social use and mental health among international students in Northern Nicosia Adeola Mutiat Akanmu; Supervisor: Jonathan Stubbs by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia: Cyprus International University, 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT
Social media can serve as a beneficial source of knowledge and connectivity among young people all over the world. In fact, social media use has become a major form of communication among university students. However, these platforms have also affected the various ways in which international students react to communication, socialization and other productive measures. As such, this research seeks to find out the perception of social media use and mental health among international students in Northern Nicosia.
The study was conducted using a quantitative method to determine how international students at Cyprus International University and Near East University feel about social media use and their mental health. Surveys were shared within 400 students of both CIU and NEU. Findings from the study indicate that the duration of time spent daily using social media negatively affects users’ productivity. Further findings also revealed that the reasons for the use of social media varies among users, however the need to interact and communicate with family and friends ranked highest, while the fear of missing out, and loneliness were also chosen as part of the reasons for using social media. The findings of this research also revealed that there are statistically significant relationships in international students’ responses to psychological questions based on gender demographics. Results showed that female students are more affected psychologically by social media use than male students.
The study therefore concluded that knowing when and how to get a balance between social media use and the type of content a user can have access to can help users maintain a healthy lifestyle online and offline.
Keywords: Social media, Mental Health, International students
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1683 A43 2020.
The impact of monetary policy determinants on import demand in Nigeria Umar Nurudeen Bibinu; Supervisor: Hasan Rüstemoğlu by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia: Cyprus International University, 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT
The study analyzes the effect of public debt and economic growth on poverty in Nigeria from 1970 to 2017. The study aims to investigate the impact of Nigerian government debt and economic growth on poverty by the per capita income approach, the effects of growth variables [interest rate, gross domestic product, Trade openness] and debt variables [external debt and internal debt and debt service] on poverty in Nigeria and the degree to which public debt has impacted the poverty rate in Nigeria for forty-seven years.
Using a time series data, the study employed Augmented Dickey-Fuller unit root test, Johansen co-integration test and Error Correction Model (ECM) techniques to analyze the data collected.
The results of this study show that the variables are stationary, a long-run relationship among the variables employed exists. External debt, internal debt, debt service rate, interest rate and population effect per capital income negatively with external debt, internal debt and population significant. Gross Domestic Product, trade opennesshave positive impacts on per capita incomewith trade openness significant. It is concluded that External debt, Internal debt, Population and Trade Openness have more effects on Per Capita Income.
Therefore, it is suggested that the government should plan to support and expand its exports rapidly as this will make export growth higher than the foreign debt growth rate, the debt-to-export ratio will be brought forward;Foreign Direct Investments should be stressed further. Such inflows of resources do not mean a strain on debt. The replacement of foreign loans as a long-term strategy with FDI would definitely have a much more beneficial effect on the longer term.
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1680 B43 2020.
The effect of pay disparity on employees job motivation and job satisfaction in the workplace/ A case study of Cameroon development corperation (CDC) in Cameroon Ebai Emmanuel Itoe; Supervisor: Hasan Rüstemoğlu by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia: Cyprus International University, 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT When business enterprises experience consistent decline in profitability, low production outputor even inferior product the managers of such business venture become worried. The question that will be constantly asked in such situation is, "What went wrong within the enterprise?" Low level of motivation as well as job satisfaction occassioned by disparity in entitlements among employees in the payroll of the firm is a predominant cause of consistent erossion of organizational productivity. Pay disparity actually refers to a situation where employees with the same qualification and doing the same type of job are being paid different amount. This research is aimed at Assessing the Effect of pay disparity on employee motivation and job satisfaction with a soft consideration of the impact it will have on their aggregate productivity taking into focus the employees of Cameroon Development Corporation. The research adopted a quantitative research technique where data were collected using a structural questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The sample size comprised of 138 employees of Cameroon Development Corporation, Yaounde, Cameroon. These employees were randomly selected and administered with the questionnaire. The Scientifıc Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used in testing the hypotheses. It was discovered that pay is the fundamental reason why employees take up paid employment and pay disparity is a factor that engender low employee motivation and job satisfaction in any business enterprise. The organizations rely heavily on their employees for the implementation of its policies and programmes and low level of motivation among staff spells doom for them.It is recommended that the organizations maintain high level of motivation and job satisfaction among their workforce by eliminating any organizational policy that encourages pay disparity to guarantee their increased productivity. Keywords: Pay Disparity, Job Satisfaction, Motivation, Productivity, Organization, Employee.
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1681 I86 2020.
Comparison of methylene blue adsorption on Nigerian and Turkish bentonites Sadiq Garba Abubakar; Supervisor: İme Akanyeti by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia: Cyprus International University, 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT Six bentonite samples, three of which were activated with phosphoric acid (H3PO4) were obtained from Nigeria and Turkey. The samples were compared in terms of methylene blue adsorption capacity and kinetics. The raw bentonites had a pHzpc of 9, 9 and 8 while pHzpc of the activated bentonite samples were 2, 2 and 7. The results showed that raw bentonites (A and B) from Turkey achieved the highest MB mass adsorbed as 210 mg/g and 215 mg/g respectively. Lower equilibrium time of 90 min was achieved with raw sorbents compared to their activated forms with an equilibrium time of 2760 min. Raw bentonites (A and B) were selected from six bentonites based on superior characteristics in terms of adsorption capacity and kinetics. X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) analysis were conducted in order to understand the interaction mechanisms between methylene blue dye and bentonite (A and B). Among the solution pH tested (pH2-11), the highest dye mass adsorbed was obtained at pH 11 and this is because of the decrease of positive sites on MB with increasing pH and increase of negative adsorption sites on Bentonite. When the sorbent concentration varied from 0.5g/L to 2.0g/L, the largest adsorption capacity was obtained with 0.5 g/L. The sorption kinetics data were explained well by the pseudo second order model for both Bentonite A and B. The freundlich isotherm described MB adsorption on bentonite A well with an R2 of 0.9299 while linear isotherm had the best fit to the adsorption data for bentonite B with an R2 of 0.9458. Key words: Methylene Blue, Raw Bentonite, Activated Bentonite, Adsorption
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1679 A28 2020.
Media in conflict: Contesting narratives of the anglophone crisis in Cameroon Prudence Barbara Nguesse Epangue; Supervisor: Nusret Sinan Evcan by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia: Cyprus International University, 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT
Conflict has undeniably won a permanent spot on global headlines and it is very important to understand how these media impact conflict. This study investigates the ongoing Anglophone problem in Cameroon and also analyzes the media action between the state and alternative media. The conflict which is fueled by Southern Cameroon’s anger and frustration towards marginalization from the French Cameroon has claimed several lives and properties from the year 2016 when it first started till date. The protest which started out peacefully went sour when the government retaliated with violence. This stirred the people to turn to alternative media to vent and express and expose their grievances. The involvement of the media totally redefined the crisis with different voices (state, foreign and alternative) framing the crisis the best way they felt it should be perceived.
Keywords: Anglophone Crisis, Cameroon, Conflict, Media, marginalization, federalists, separatists.
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1742 N48 2020.
Ethnic minority in Cameroon and Sri Lanka/ Selma Abake Aboh; Supervisor: Anthony Eniayejuni by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia: Cyprus International University, 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT
The focus of the research is on ethnic minority and marginalization and the aim is to show that ethnic minority marginalization is predominant not only in Africa but in most countries that have been under colonial rule. These ethnic minorities suffer intense marginalization both in the political, economic and social sectors. These minority group are usually endowed with natural resources yet enjoy very little or nothing from the precede outcome. The researcher brilliantly from a comparative perspective discusses the evolution, causes as well as efforts made by the government and other stake holders in solving and or resolving the minority crisis in Anglophones Cameroon and Sri Lanka.
Keywords: Ethnic minority, human rights, Cameroon and Sri Lanka.
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1741 A26 2020.
Assessing UN conflict management in the Syrian crisis (2011-2018)/ Aishat Anavberokhai Imonigie; Supervisor: Özker Kocadal by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia: Cyprus International University, 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT The Arab Spring, at first seemed to be a beacon of hope for the Middle East, has become Syria‟s worst nightmare. The Syrian civil war, triggered by the uprising following the Arab Spring, is on for the past nine years, and in spite of significant international endeavors, there continues to be no obvious resolution on the horizon. The aim of this study is to evaluate the United Nations conflict management strategies in Syria. This study applies a qualitative case-study approach to obtain more in depth information of the organization‟s efforts to resolve this conflict. This study reveals that the international key players (Turkey Russia, Iran, U.S, Saudi Arabia) continues to play significant roles either supporting the regime or on the side of the opposition groups. Therefore, it could be seen that United Nations efforts to manage the Syrian conflict under three different leadership of United Nations "Staffan de Mistura, Lakhdar Brahimi and Kofi Annan" were unable to bring the Syrian conflict to an end. Under these leadership, various plans were drawn, initiative were put in place which often look promising at first instance, but the truth is, these approaches have made little to none significant impacts to bring a lasting solution to this prolonged violence. Keywords: United Nations, Syrian Crisis, the Arab Spring, Turkey, Russia, Saudi Arabia
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1740 I46 2020.
Chemical characterization, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of piper guineense organic extracts/ Elangwe Mofa Deric; Supervisor: Hatice Erkurt by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia: Cyprus International University, 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT
Microbial food spoilage is a major challenge encountered by food processing industries. A variety of food types present as potential means for the proliferation of a diverse range of microbial life. Leafing through the pages of time, plants and their derivatives have been thoroughly perused by their thousands for possible applications in medicine. Of unique concern in this thesis is the chemical characterization, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of Piper guineense organic extracts. Three extraction solvents were used for obtaining the organic extracts; ethanol, methanol and water. The results of this investigation demonstrated a % inhibition of DPPH free radical of 82.6%, 80.2 and 68.6% respectively at a concentration of 50μg/ml. for each solvent, the total phenolic content was found to be 1.518mgGAE/g, 1.643mgGAE/g and 1.248mgGAE/g respectively. For antimicrobial studies, five representative pathogenic bacteria were utilized: E coli, Bacillus cereus, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella typhimurium. MIC, MBC and disc diffusion studies were conducted for each bacterium per methanolic, ethanolic and water extract. Gram negative bacteria were found to be generally least susceptible than their Gram positive counterparts with the least susceptible being E coli with mean MIC and MBC values of 100μg/ml and 200μg/ml respectively for each extract and most susceptible being Staphylococcus aureus with MIC of as low as 12.5μg/ml and MBC of 25μg/ml with methanolic extract. A similar pattern of susceptibility/resistance was also observed with disc diffusion studies with E coli presenting narrowest diameters on methanolic, ethanolic and water extracts at a concentration of 200 μ of 13.9, 10.8 and 10.0 respectively. Chemical characterization was conducted by GCMS assay of the ethanolic and methanolic extracts. In both cases, the most identified components were hydrocarbons, followed by alcohols and lastly acids.
Keywords: Piper guineense, methanol, ethanol, water, GCMS, antimicrobial
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1739 D47 2020.
Determination of bill of quantity calculation performance of a BIM Software: A case study on reinforced concrete multi-story building projects Hisham Abughayyada; Supervisor: Kemal Dirgen Tözer by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia: Cyprus International University, 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT
Cost estimation is an important aspect of any construction project. Recent technological advances have brought major changes to the construction industry. In particular, certain technical applications such as building information modeling (BIM) bring many possibilities. Due to the rapid development of BIM, it is well known that the construction industry has an excellent cost estimation tool in some projects. This study investigates the needed time and accuracy of Bill of Quantity (BOQ) calculations using BIM through the comparative study using REVIT the most popular BIM software and traditional calculation methods by using Microsoft Excel. The main purpose of this study was to compare the performance of traditional hand calculation methods and REVIT as a BIM software in speed, accuracy, and efficiency. Two case studies were selected for this study and investigated for main elements such as foundations, staircase, beams, columns, and floors. This study used a time record to record the time for both methods. The results of the study show that the use of BIM for concept assessment can reduce errors and faster give the quantitative takeoffs compared to traditional methods, while maintaining comparable accuracy. In both case studies, the BIM method was obviously faster reliable and more accurate.
Key words: BIM, BOQ, Cost Estimation, Revit, Quantity take-off, Construction Industry.
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1738 A28 2020.
Journalism in wartime: Reporting conflict in the Iraqi Kurdistan region isis war 2014-2016 Hazhar Nzari; Supervisor: Jonathan Stubbs by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia: Cyprus International University, 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT
This thesis examines the practice of television journalism in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq under wartime conditions. The aim of the study is to understand how and in what way Kurdish journalists reported on the ISIS war in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq between 2014 and 2016. This topic is significant because it was the first time the modern Kurdish media covered wartime news and reports. In the process, the Kurdish media became a resource for the global news media.
In the thesis, the history of Kurdish journalism, particularly television, which dates back to 1991 and the collapse of the Saddam regime, is demonstrated. Following this, the duties of journalism in the visual media, meaning the Kurdish TV channels, are overviewed during the war against ISIS terrorist group in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. In addition, their inadequacies, issues and weaknesses are investigated, and a comparison between the Kurdish media channels and the global channels is made. The research depends on the interview method to collect information and accurate responses to the research questions. Interviews have been conducted with the Kurdish reporters who participated in the war as well as some television channel managers and Kurdish media experts. The thesis proceeds to analyze the content and results of the interviews. Hence, it is explained that the issues occurred in the Kurdish media coverage in the war against ISIS in all the three aspects of technical, vocational and content was due to the lack of experience of the Kurdish media and the unspecialized Kurdish reporters in wartime coverage. In conclusion, several results and recommendations are proposed to improve and provide better opportunities for Kurdish television reporters.
Keywords: Media, Reporting conflict, ISIS war, Kurdish journalism, challenges against Kurdish media during the ISIS war
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1737 N93 2020.
The impact of customer relationship management systems in the banking operations: The case of Zenith bank, Nigeria/ Labaran Isıaku; Supervisor: Musbah Aqel by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia: Cyprus International University, 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT
Due to the intense competition in the banking sector, where the strategic battle to gain greater market share and retain as many customers as possible is constantly being driven, and taking into account the poorly products and services provided by the banks, effective customer relationship management is a critical tool towards achieving positive business outcomes. In context to this research, it will address the Impact of Customer Relationship Management Systems in the banking operations; a case study of Zenith Bank Nigeria. The research implemented a quantitative survey where structured questionnaires related to impact of Customer Relationship Management Systems on cost reduction, timely delivery, customers satisfaction and retention, effective daily operation, customers security, are randomly distributed to the staffs and customers of Zenith Bank Plc. The information gathered from the study was then evaluated by using (SPSS) to statistically analyze the data, using descriptive statistics, frequencies, correlation and regression analysis to analyze the linear regression. The logic behind descriptive statistics is to statistically evaluate demographic variables of the study, while the logic behind regression analysis is to examine the relationship between the collected data and correlation coefficient to know the impact or strength of the variables. The outcome of the research point out that if the banks will give adequate attention to customer relationship management systems, the processes can maximize profitability, increases customer satisfaction and loyalty at the same time improves organizational efficiency.
Keywords: customer relationship management Systems, banking operation, information technology, information systems, cost reduction, organizational efficiency, customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, customer retention, banks, Nigeria.
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1736 I85 2020.
The evolution of small and medium enterprises studies over time Otsile Kereemang; Supervisor: Şirin Atakan-Duman by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia: Cyprus International University, 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT
The purpose of this study is to look at how studies in the field of small and medium
enterprises has changed over time. To achieve this, the study addresses the following
research questions: How have studies on SMEs evolved over time? What have been the
main subject areas that scholars focus on SMEs? What are the trends in SME studies?
What are the gaps and areas for development? The study analysed a total of 4232 articles
published in three major journals; Small Business Economics (published by Springer),
Journal of Small Business Management (published by Wiley) and Journal of Small
Business Enterprise Development (published by Emerald). The articles were ran through
a computer assisted text analysis to produce lexemes or key distinctive words. The
findings indicate that the trends have been more towards growth and entrepreneurship,
scholars have focused on production, strategy, marketing, finance, management and
management information systems. The findings also revealed the gaps areas for further
development were in the area of public relations and research and development. The study
will allows researcher to refocus on the identified gaps to further develop them, so as they
aid stakeholders to make more informed decisions.
Keywords: Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Research Trends, Thematic Content
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1735 K37 2020.
The impact of cloud accounting information systems on bank performance: An emprical study in Amman Cairo bank/ Almontaser Bellah Alsaraireh; Supervisor: Husam Rjoub by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia: Cyprus International University, 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT
The study aimed to identify the impact of Cloud accounting information system (CAIS) on banks performance. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher prepared a questionnaire to measure the impact of Cloud accounting information system (CAIS) on banks performance. The researcher selected the study sample randomly by distributing 220 questionnaires on the employees of Amman Cairo Bank (ACB) where (173) were retrieved. In order to answer the study questions and test its hypotheses, the researcher extracted the arithmetic means and standard deviations and applied the multiple regression equation. Accordingly, the study reached too many results, most important of which is that there is a statistically effect for using the CAIS on Bank performance. The study recommended the need that ACB seek adding various characteristics of editing, deleting, copying, and setting time on the basis of text messaging through such networks as well as the need of conducting marketing studies aimed to enabling bank to achieve the customers' wishes in a method matching their expectations.
Key words: Cloud Accounting Information System, Bank Performance, Information Accuracy, Ease of use, Infrastructure, Amman Cairo Bank
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1734 A47 2020.
Assessing the impact of employee attitude on corporate output productivity case study of Cameroon development corporation (CDC)/ Donastian Nyah Muluh; Supervisor: Mehrshad Radmehr Hashemipour by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia: Cyprus International University, 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT An effective way of evaluating an organizations output or productivity requires an assessment of employee attitude and job satisfaction. The primary objective of this research investigates the impact of employees' attitude on corporate productivity and output. The case study setting is Cameroon and the organization of focus is Cameroon Development Corporation (CDC). The data collection was derived from the distribution of 200 questionnaires to employees of CDC Corporation both in littoral and southwest regions. This study examines the relationship that exists between employee attitude, job satisfaction, employee engagement, and corporate output productivity in CDC Corporation. A regression analysis was carried with other alternative variables such as employee theft and absenteeism, which might affect company productivity and output levels, conceptual model and a conceptual model is developed to understand the relationship that exist between employee attitude, job satisfaction, employee engagement, and corporate output productivity. Together with this analysis, a primary data on output productivity is collected from the case study and analyzed to illustrate the strength of this argument. The findings and results derived from the analysis suggest that there is a relationship between employee attitudes, job satisfaction, employee engagement which could be both positively and negatively relation. Productivity within the CDC tends to fluctuate depending on employee attitude and job satisfaction. This understanding has been triangulated by a review of other current researchers in the field to arrive at this conclusion. Keywords: Corporate Productivity, Employee Attitude, Output, Job Satisfaction, Employee Performance, Corporate-Employee Engagement.
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1733 M95 2020.
Fingerprint classification using convolutional neural network/ Mohamed H. Mohamed; Supervisor: Hüseyin Öztoprak by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia: Cyprus International University, 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT
Fingerprint classification is an effective process of minimizing the number of candidates that fingerprint recognition systems require to identify whether a fingerprint image matches with database files. In the last decade, deep learning became extremely popular in several areas such as natural language processing, digital image processing, speech recognition, medical image evaluations, and so on. Deep learning networks such as convolutional neural network has proven exceedingly effective at solving fingerprint pattern classification. The subject of this thesis is to investigate the factors affecting the fingerprint classification on CNN and to implement, train and test a deep neural network architecture. This has achieved by designing a new convolutional neural network model for this study. The model accomplished a high level of classification accuracy on the difficulty of fingerprint pattern images. In this study I used NIST DB4 dataset with five label classes, the study achieves 99.2% of classification accuracy with zero rejection rate.
Keywords: Biometrics, Fingerprint Classification, Deep Learning, Convolutional Neural Network, Overfitting.
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1732 M65 2020.