Africa-brics, new model of financial cooperation: Evidence from Angola/ Gabriel Feuning Kouam; Supervisor: Danbala Danju by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia: Cyprus International University, 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT This thesis assesses the impact of financial cooperation between the BRICS countries and Africa on African development and describes the perspectives and challenges there in associated. It confirms that: the strong progression of these relationships reflects a new form of regulation of post-colonial relations in Africa; BRICS cooperation is a response to the major challenges facing the continent; and the BRICS accession to the rank of major players in Africa's development allows African countries to increase their ability to make the decisions necessary to pursue their own goals of development. The trends analyzed there indicate that, overall, the countries BRICS and Africa jointly develop a model of South-South relations likely to benefit both. The presence of the BRICS brings real opportunities for Africa. It remains to be seen, however, whether this will not generate new forms of dependence without Africa having much to gain. Africa risks staying specialized in raw materials by the new international division of labor. The challenge for the continent is to diversify its economic structures and promote regional economic integration to create economies of scale. The challenge is also to implement coherent, coordinated and complementary strategies with regard to of its various partners in order to take advantage of the opportunities offered. Keywords: Africa, BRICS, emerging powers, South-South cooperation, development.
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1731 F48 2020.
The techno-economical analysis of newly available construction technologies towards sustainable construction/ Bahaa Eldin Alassaad; Supervisor: Ömer Damdelen by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia: Cyprus International University, 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT
Due to the increase in the needs of new housing that is caused by the huge increase in population around the world, and with the seeking of nations toward sustainability and green buildings, a need of new construction techniques to facilitate the construction of sustainable building is a must. Different techniques have been developed and still developing with the time. Three techniques have been considered in this study, 3d concrete printing technique, bricklaying technique and the traditional conventional construction technique. A case study of a simple house have been also taken into consideration in order to differentiate which of the available techniques nowadays is the best. This study covers three different aspects in comparison. The first aspect is time management and the time needed for each technique to finish-up the same building, the second part is the cost analysis where the cost needed for each technique is considered, and in the last part an environmental study have been carried out to check greenhouse gases emissions of each technique.
In this thesis a notable results have been shown after doing the three types of studies, in what concerns time 3D printing technology took the first place between the techniques while brick laying technique took the second place for the construction time, and at the last place the traditional technique took the most time needed for the building to finish. For the pricing and cost analysis that have been studied the placing of the three techniques have not changed 1st the 3D printing technique, the 2nd is the brick laying technique, and the last with the most expensive construction technique is the traditional technique. In what concerns the environmental impact the distribution of the construction techniques with the least emissions to the highest are respectively as follows, brick laying construction technique, 3D printing technique, and the traditional construction technique.
3D printing construction technology will take the construction industry into a new level that will assure the availability of a new construction technique that has sustainability priority, using 3D printing technology will improve the construction techniques by reducing the time of construction, the cost of the construction, and the less emissions possible during construction.
Key Words: Construction Techniques, Technology, 3D Printing, Sustainability, Environmental Impact, Cost Analysis, Construction Management, Brick Laying.
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1730 A43 2020.
A quantitative analysis of bank failures and predicting banks resilience during financial crisis: Evidence from commercial banks in Turkey/ Muhaddesa Hazara; Supervisor: Ahmad Abu Alrub by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia: Cyprus International University, 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT
Turkey has experienced in the last decades one of the significant crisis in economic
history. Therefore, the national economy could benefit from forecasting instruments
for mitigating bank crises like the 2001-2002 crisis. While financial analysts and bank
managers attribute the impact that bank failures have on excessive banking regulation
and unpredictable movements in interest rates, the fact that regulatory changes, the
frequency of bank reviews and the rate direction may actually predict bank failure rates
has not proved. The aim of this study is to find how much two variables of economic
which are interest rate movements that measured by term spread of interest rate and
bank examinations that measured by bank liquidity positions would predict the bank
collapse and also, we used GMM model to determine which of them can be used to
anticipate the eventual bank failure which measured by GDP growth, and how long
they could last. Research data have been gathered from BRSA and Turkish Statistics
Institute and Central Bank of Republic of Turkey for the period of 2011 to 2018. This
study found that two factors of the banking system, bank liquidity and interest rate
spread terms are statistically important and can be used to forecast when a financial
crisis will start and end. the results show the effect on GDP growth with considering
the effect on 2018 crisis. The descriptive statistics of GDP growth the mean is 6.1 %
and minimum GDP growth is 2.5% and maximum GDP growth approximately
11.11%. The results indicate there is most positive relationship between MER and
GDP growth at 3.46 and statistically significant at 1%. As a precaution against NPAs,
the higher the ratio the bank is more cautious as it maintains a strong investment. As
results of the crisis in 2018, it has negative impact on GDP growth in TURKEY
approximately by -1.776 and statistically significant at 1% level.
Key words:
Financial Crisis, GMM, GDP, Predicting, Turkey, Banking Failure,CAMELS
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1729 H29 2020.
Performance analysis of combined PVT and organic rankine cycle system for power production/ Lucy Joseph Amaran; Supervisor: Mustafa Dağbaşı by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia: Cyprus International University, 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT
Renewable energy plays an important role in achieving the ultimate objective of replacing fossil fuels. Solar energy is considered one of the cleanest, most sustainable, and abundant sources of renewable energy, among other renewable energy sources. Hybrid PV/T (PVT) is known as solar energy harnessed by solar thermal collectors and solar photovoltaic (PV) collectors to simultaneously produce heat and electrical power.
This thesis study introduces a PVT-ORC system, which is an organic Rankine cycle (orc) integrated with a hybrid photovoltaic thermal system (PVT), PVT collectors transform solar radiation into useful electrical and thermal energy, and the ORC utilizes the thermal energy from the PVT collector to generate additional electrical power. Thermal energy from the PVT system is also utilized in producing hot water for domestic purposes.
Analysis in this study is done by comparing energy production of a PVT-ORC system with a higher fluid outlet temperature (80℃) to a PVT system with a lower fluid outlet temperature (60℃), the overall performance, efficiency, economic parameters, electrical and thermal outputs are evaluated for an annual simulation cycle.
This system analysis was conducted by solving energy mathematical equations; modelling and simulating of the overall system were done by using engineering equation solver (ees) and system advisor model (sam) software.
The PVT system with Tout at (80℃) produces 1,055,603.7kWh/yr electrical energy and 3,589,828.8kWh/yr thermal energy. The PVT system with Tout at (60℃) produces 1,272,815kWh/yr electrical energy (20.58% more than PVT system with 80℃) and 1,018,612.6kWh/yr thermal energy (71.63% less than PVT system with 80℃) per annum.
The ORC system’s electrical energy output was estimated at 362,780 kWh/yr with R134a as the selected organic fluid. The PVT-ORC system total annual electrical energy output was approximately 1,418,383.7kWh/yr.
The payback period (SPP) was projected at 13.5years and 15.8 years for PVT system and PVT-ORC system respectively.
Keywords: Solar, Renewable Energy, Hybrid Photovoltaic Thermal (PVT) collector, Energy Output.
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1716 A43 2020.
The complexity of defining terrorism: Between terrorist and freedom fighter/ Komron Niyozov; Supervisor: Özker Kocadal by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia: Cyprus International University, 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT The widely circulated claim that "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" raises the complexity to defining the concept of terrorism significantly, which has been particularly one of the major concerns for state policies and the international community in general which is in search for a better way to fight against it. In an attempt to understand the definitional difficulty, I argue that the complexity to define terrorism results from the fact that it is a social construction and that some people self-identify and that have identified as freedom fighters in their communities are turned into terrorist strategically and historically to serve state interests as exemplified by Irish Provisional Army in Northern Ireland, the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka and the Taliban in Afghanistan. Keywords: Security, Terrorism, Counterterrorism, Freedom fighters, Terrorist, Constructivism.
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1698 N49 2020.
Thermal and electrical analysis of 100 MW solar power plant using parabolic trough solar collector/ Daleep Kumar; Supervisor: Muhammad Abid by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia: Cyprus International University, 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT The usage of renewable power technologies is expanding so as to lessen the power gracefully and required demand in Pakistan. Be that as it may, concentrated solar power (CSP) production has not been focused in the nation despite the fact that it has increased extensive consideration around the world. This examination, in that capacity, explores the potential, execution, and economic investigations of CSP for various areas in Pakistan. At first, an evaluation of CSP destinations, with solar supply, water, and land accessibility, was embraced. At that point, performance simulation of CSP innovations for four distinct areas of Pakistan, to be specific Quetta, Peshawar, Bahawalpur, and Karachi, were analyzed. For altogether cases, most noteworthy vitality creation was accomplished in hot seasons and most minimal in cold seasons, and concentrated solar power plants with evaporative cooling system were seen as productive contrasted with air cooling. Direct storage method by using Therminol VP-1 HTF gives more output results as compared to other HTF and user defined HTF. Most important parameters can be set according to the location to get best results. By using air/dry cooling system the LCOE for Quetta location is 10.10 ₵/kWh. By using evaporative cooling system, the LCOE for Quetta location is 9.36 ₵/kWh. And annual energy increases from 313,054,944 kWh to 338,712,384 kWh in evaporative cooling system. In direct storage method LCOE is 9.27344 ₵/kWh by using Therminol VP-1 HTF. In indirect storage method LCOE is 9.34846 ₵/kWh by using Hitec solar salt in filed and Therminl VP-1 HTF in storage. LCOE for user defined HTF is 9.60 ₵/kWh. Yearly energy, capability factor and LCOE are 444,025,056 kWh, 50.70%, 8.34 ₵/kWh respectively by setting parameters for best Quetta location in Pakistan. The outcomes likewise revealed that the Quetta area is promising for CSP improvement while parabolic trough (PT). In conclusion, economic investigations discovered the financial feasibility of CSP plants in Pakistan subsequently the LCOE is seen as altogether suitable. Keywords: Parabolic Trough, Heat Mover Fluid, Solar Energy Plant, System Advisor Model Software, Concentrated Solar Power Plant, Direct Storage Method, Indirect Storage method, User Defined HTF etc.
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1700 K96 2020.
Financial development and economic growth in Asia/ Wisam Mohamad Aldalı; Supervisor: Hasan Rüstemoğlu by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia: Cyprus International University, 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT This study investigates the impact of financial development on economic development and also the level or the strength and structure of the financial markets development on the growth of such economy. It is also evaluating the effects of the financial institutions on the growth on economic development or growth. The research was on investigating the effects of financial development on economic development. The study considers the impact of financial development on economic growth with a panel of 44 Asian countries from 1980 to 2017. The sample and time frame is chosen around this period. The growth of GDP is used as a measure of economic growth and this data collected from World Bank. This is based on the relationship between financial development on economic growth and that a vibrant financial system enhances technological innovation and promotes economic growth by providing financial services to pragmatic innovators and entrepreneurs. The assessment of the impact of financial development and economic development or growth in Asia. The effects of financial development and economic growth and these financial sectors which are in form of both human and physical capital accumulation stimulates economic growth. The conclusion that generally a financial improvement, besides as bank advancement and stock trade improvement, all apply a major positive outcome on actual per capita total national output development. On the opposite aspect, the developments of the Financial Institutions have an important positive result on the economic process of the High financial gain countries in Asia. This shows that a well-developed institution promotes the economic process among the high financial gain Asian countries. Keywords: Economic Growth, Physical Capital Accumulation, Human Capital Accumulation, Financial Markets.
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1699 A43 2020.
The representation of cultural elements in EFL high school textbooks in Northern Iraq/ Mohammad Faisal Habib; Supervisor: Behbood Mohammadzadeh by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia: Cyprus International University, 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT The integration of culture into coursebooks that are used for TEFL has attracted much attention recently due to the result of changes in the status of English as an internationally used language. In the (2004 - 2005) academic year, Iraq as an Arabian country did some changes in ELT, and the English language program was replaced by a new one entitled the Sunrise program which is based on a communicative approach. Therefore, as a preparatory school teacher of English language, the researcher of the thesis thought it is important to find out to what extent the recommended teaching series is being implemented to, whether the teachers of high schools are familiar with cultural awareness, whether their points of view are positive or negative towards teaching culture in foreign language classes. The study aims to evaluate and search for the cultural aspects in English language high school textbooks in northern Iraq, particularly in Zakho city and areas around, by making use of the preparatory level of English language textbooks of Sunrise curriculum. The present study gathered both quantitative and qualitative data utilizing different data collection methods. 65 English language teachers were the participants of the study from Zakho city and areas around it. The study tries to illustrate that culture has a very important place in teaching and learning a foreign language. Regarding the 10th, 11th, and 12th grades, the researcher chose these grades because they are the last grades of education in school. In these regards, the results from the research are shown the following: - English language teachers do not have enough awareness of the English cultural elements while teaching the Sunrise 10, 11 and 12 in foreign language classrooms. - English teachers' points of view towards the teaching of English cultural elements are negative. - Teachers of the English language aren't adequately trained to be qualified to teach cultural elements in teaching the Sunrise 10, 11, and 12 coursebooks. Keywords: Culture Teaching, Intercultural (Cross-cultural) Communication, Sunrise curriculum, Preparatory Education, Intercultural awareness.
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1703 H23 2020.
Properties of high-performance mortar using waste glass powder and cenospheres under different curing regimes/ Muhammad Usama Salim; Supervisor: Mohammad Ali Mosaberpanah by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia: Cyprus International University, 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT The construction industry is rapidly expanding due to urbanization and a growing economy. The growing construction industry enormously increased the consumption of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC). The rapidly growing demand for concrete production has increased environmental pollution immensely and cement solely accounts for 8% of the world's carbon dioxide emissions. So, it is a dare need to use supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) which are less carbon dioxide emitters in replacement of cement to reduce the environmental impact and to promote sustainable construction. In this respect, this study is based on the applicability of cenosphere (CS) and waste glass powder (WGP) communally as a cement replacement of 0% - 20% with an increment level of 5% to prepare high-performance mortars. The combined effect of CS-WGP in the high-performance mortar was examined at two curing conditions (water and dry) and curing temperatures (20 0C and 80 0C). Several tests were conducted such as workability/fluidity, water absorption, compressive strength, acid attack, flexural strength, fire resistance, packing density, and drying shrinkage to evaluate the rheological, mechanical, and durability properties of CS-WGP based mortars. Results indicated that water curing at elevated temperature (80 0C) is efficient than other curing conditions and temperatures. Moreover, it was also found that the applicability of CS has increased the rheological, mechanical, and durability properties. It is concluded that a 10% replacement of CS and WGP showed appreciable results against all mentioned properties. Keywords: Environmental Pollution, Waste Glass Powder, Cenosphere, High-Performance Mortar, Sustainable Construction, Rheological, Mechanical, and Durability Properties
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1702 S25 2020.
Violating and flouting maxims in selected plays by drew Hayden Taylor: A stylistic analysis/ Saifan Sabah Ahmed Jayms; Supervisor: Behbood Mohammadzadeh by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia: Cyprus International University, 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT Effective and efficient communication needs a significant contribution of information. The most influential contribution to linguistics is Grice's theory of implicatures. To avoid misinterpreting and misunderstanding of the interlocutors in conversation Grice permits four maxims which are maxim of quality, quantity, relevance, and manner. Nonobservance maxim takes place when the speaker implies more than his speech obviously that causes flouting of the maxim. Violating maxims appear when the speaker hides the essential information without the intention of the hearer. This thesis about examining the language of literary texts based on the analysis of flouting and violating maxims in drams (Only Drunks and Children Tell the Truth) and (Dead White Body on the Floor) Drew Hayden Taylor by using Grice's Cooperative. Violating and flouting stylistic maxims are unclear and complicated, the objective is to characterize the maxims' kinds which are flouted and violated and also to find out the reasons of breaking principles because it has some implied meaning in the conversations with the characters in the dramas. This research uses a qualitative content analysis method. The data are taken from the characters in the dramas (Only Drunks and Children Tell the Truth) and (Dead White Body on the Floor) that consists of two acts. The researcher collected data from dramas and explain them through Grice's theory to classify, identify, interpret, and calculate. This study reveals that Taylor makes the characters disobey maxims and it can be found in both dramas flouting and violating four maxims appeared while the characters are unfamiliar to each other. Failing maxims can be more noticed than observing the maxims in order not to share essential information which is required by their interlocutor or to convey more than what is asserted. Key Words: Implicature, Maxims of Conversation, Flouting of the maxim. Violating maxims
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1701 J29 2020.
Determination of financial sustainability, financial deepening and poverty reduction of microfinance institutions: Empirical evidence from Ghana/ Godwin Appiah-Kubi; Supervisor: Danbala Danju by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia: Cyprus International University, 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT The study sampled 11 microfinance institutions have adequate indicator report in the MIX market database from 2000- 2018 and data analyzed with multivariate mechanism. The research was geared towards providing acumen into factors of financial sustainability of microfinance institutions and its impact on financial deepening and poverty reduction. The results from the study indicated that depth of outreach, operating expenses and loan size standing of microfinance institutions in Ghana are key factors that encourage financial sustainability. Growing financial system is capable of improving the finances of microfinance institutions as revealed by the study. However, despite microfinance institutions preconditioned to reduce vulnerability, it was evident that financial sustainability of microfinance institutions does not contribute to poverty reduction in the case of Ghana. Based on the results, it is conclusion that although depth and breadth of outreach, dependency ratio and cost per borrower are important variables in determining financial sustainability of microfinance institutions in Ghana, however, no significant association was found between capital structure and financial sustainability of microfinance institutions. Therefore, the study suggest that microfinance institutions in Ghana should first minimize their dependency on donated capital to be operationally competent in the market ensuing financially sustainability. Further study may consider MFIs' geographically to determine the relationships between the reported variables. KEYWORDS: Microfinance institutions, Financial sustainability, Financial deepening, Poverty reduction, Breath of outreach, Depth of outreach, Dependency ratio, Cost per borrower.
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1718 A67 2020.
Finance and growth: Evidence from Zimbabwe/ Kevin S. Masiriva by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Cyprus: Cyprus International University; 2020
Tez notu: Thesis (M.S.) - Cyprus International University. Institute for Graduate Studies and Research Accounting and Finance Department
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1714 M27 2020.
The effect of global money supply on the M.S.C.I. world stock price index based on O.E.C.D. data Emrah Parlan by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Cyprus Cyprus International University 2020
Tez notu: Thesis (M.S.) - Cyprus International University. Institute for Graduate Studies and Research Accounting and Finance DepartmentIn this study, the expansion in money supply on a global scale, and the implication of change in the money aggregates over the stock prices are analyzed. This study planned to reach evidence of relation global money supply and global stock prices.
In accordance with this purpose, the O.E.C.D. M3 Broad Money index has been used to exemplify the money supply. On the other hand, the M.S.C.I. World Stock Price index is chosen among global stock indexes for representing global stock prices. The relationship between the O.E.C.D. M3 Broad Money index and M.S.C.I. World Stock Price index analyzed with the Markov Switching Regression method for assessing the relationship in different regimes or different periods. Hence, this study is essential due to focusing on analyzing the impact of the central banks' expansionary monetary policies, which observed expansionary trend from the 2000s, over the stock prices and stock indexes in the global scope. Therefore, the study detected and obtained evidence about the link between the O.E.C.D. M3 Broad Money index and the M.S.C.I. World Stock Price index with the stated methodology. Obtained evidence indicates that during the expansionary monetary regimes, the O.E.C.D. Broad Money M3 index has a negative impact on the M.S.C.I. World Stock Price index, above%5 significant level. The results show that a %1 charge for the O.E.C.D Broad Money M3 index is associated with a -4% change in the M.S.C.I. World Stock Price Index, during the expansionary monetary regimes, ceteris paribus. However, obtained evidence indicates that during the normal periods, the O.E.C.D. Broad Money M3 index has a positive impact on the M.S.C.I. World Stock Price index, above 5% significant level and close to 1% significant level. The results show that a 1% change for the O.E.C.D. Broad Money M3 index is associated 1% change in on the M.S.C.I. World Stock Price Index, during the standard monetary regimes, ceteris paribus.
In conclusion, in light of the evidence obtained, an inverse relationship comes up between global money supply and global stock prices in periods that are applied to the expansionary monetary policy. However, with the starting of the normalization, a combination of the increased risk appetite of investors and the increased money supply reverses the negative relationship. These findings signal to central bank governors about the relation of global money supply and global stock prices in different states, which can be used to predict the effect of future policy acts
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1720 P27 2020.