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Opex in wohnungsunternehmen chancen und grenzen der anwendbarkeit/ Tony Deckert; Supervisor: Uwe M. Seidel by Dil: Almanca
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia: Cyprus International University, 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT Dıe eingereiche Dıssertatıon tragt den Tıtel ,,OPEX in Wonhungsunternehmen – Chancen und Grenzen der Anwendbarkeit ‘’. Dıe Ausgangssituation fur diese Arbeit ist der Mangel an Studien zu Operational Excellencxe Initıative in deutschen Wohnungsunternehmen. Durch die hohe Bedeutung der immobilienwirtschaft fur die gesamte Bruttowertschopfung in Deutschland ist es von existentieller Bedeutung, die Wettbewerbsfahigkeit der Wohnungsunternehmen zu erhalten. Alle Geschaftsprozesse musen auf die Bedurfnısse der Kundenş die Qualıtat der Dienstleistung und den effızıenten Einsatz der Ressourcen ausgerıchte sein. Die Untersuchung des Themas findet bie deutschen Wohnungsunternehmen statt, welche im GdW Bundesverbandes deutscher Wohnungs- und Immobilieununternehmen e.V. organisiert sind. Dabei weden der Implementierungsstand, d’e Schlusselfaktoren und die Hindernisse bie der Einfuhrung untersucht. Die fur die Untersunchung erforderlichen Daten werden durch eine Primardatenerhebung in Form einer Online Befragung gewonnen. Die Ergebnisse der Umfrage zeigen, dass sich ein grober Teil der GdW Wohnungsunternehmen nicht mit operational Excellence Initiativen beschaftigen, Die Anwendung von Operational Excellence Systemen findet nur in einigen Wohnungsunternehmen Beachtung und bietet groBes Potential zur Erhohung der Kundenzufriedenheit, Steigerung der Prozessqualitat, Senkung der Prozesskosten und Minimierung der Fehlerquote. Die Bedeutung des Forschungsvorhabens besteht darin Anwendbarkeit von operational Excellence Initiative in deutschen Wohungsunternehmen zu prufen und dabie die Chancen und Grenzen der Anwendbarkeit zu untersuchen. Die wird durch eine representative Umfrage mit anschlieBender detaillierter Auswertung der Ergebnisse erreicht. Schlagworter: Lean Management, Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma, Operational Excellence, Wonhungswirtschaft, Immobilienwirtscaft.
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:D 196 D43 2020.
Transformation in der leasing-branche: Hybride geschaftsmodelle vs. traditionelles leasing/ Johannes Brunner; Supervisor: Sonja Keppler by Dil: Almanca
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia: Cyprus International University, 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT Leasing companies are trying to further develop their business models in order to remain competitive in the future. Customers are demanding hybrid offerings that combine products and services into a solution that suits them. Based on an empirical study, this paper contributes to new insights into hybrid business models in the leasing industry. The results show that about half of all leasing companies included in the analysis pursue hybrid business models. Above all, it becomes clear that leasing companies with a hybrid business model are more profitable. In addition, it can be shown that larger and manufacturer-dependent leasing companies are rather offering hybrid business models. At the same time, hybrid leasing companies have a more focused product portfolio. The derived recommendations for action can help leasing companies to successfully further develop their business models. Keywords: Hybrid business model, Leasing, Product-service system, Servitizatio
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:D 195 B78 2020.
Parental involvement in early second language learning: The role of the immediate environment/ Mariam Alawawda; Supervisor: Özge Razı by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia: Cyprus International University, 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT The home environment, school environment, parents' attitudes, motivation towards second language learning, and teachers are some factors that can affect children's development in second language learning. Moreover, factors such as parents' supervision and children's support are essential during the learning development. This study aimed at exploring the influence of parental involvement in their children's second language learning. Parents of first-grade primary school pupils enrolled at private schools located in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) took part of this study. In addition, 154 structured questionnaires were administered and retrieved to the participants. The research subsequently employed PLS-SEM for the structural model analysis study with the use of Smart PLS 3. The influence of income level, marital status, and parents' educational level was investigated through the use of multi-group analysis (MGA). The outcomes showed that parents' educational level significantly moderate the relationship between methods employed by parents and their sources of motivation in their children's second language learning stage. Finally, methods employed by the parents and their source of motivation influence the child second language learning, also a statistically significant relationship was found between the abovementioned variables. Keywords: Children's early second language learning, home environment, second language learning, PLS-SEM, parents' motivation.
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:D 194 A43 2020.
Advanced oxidation processes as pretreatment of sanitary landfill leachate in Nicosia-North Cyprus/ Mohammed Nadhim Qadir; Supervisor: Rana Kıdak, Co-supervisor: Farhad Hasan Aziz by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia: Cyprus International University, 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT If leachate is directly discharged into the environment, it may have catastrophic effects on both the water and soil. In this study, lab tests were performed to compare the efficiency of several single and hybrid Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) in treating landfill leachate in terms of Chemical Oxygen Demand removal percentage (COD RP) and Leachate Pollution Index (LPI). Ozone, H2O2, and Fenton process were optimized as single AOPs and then combined as hybrid techniques (Fenton/Ozone and H2O2/Ozone) in their optimized condition. The optimizations have been done in terms of COD RP. The results indicated that, for single applications: ozone has been optimized at pH 8.4 and 120 min contact time (CT); H2O2 has been optimized at pH 11 and 4 g L -1 dose and Fenton process has been optimized at pH 3.5, [H2O2]:[Fe+2] ratio = 4:1.4 g L-1 and 50 min contact time. All methods that have been tested are strongly dependent on the pH value of the treated medium. Along with testing of AOPs methods for LPI and COD removal efficiency, some other important parameters have been also measured including color, turbidity, TDS and EC. As for the hybrid systems; the combination of the Fenton process and Ozone was observed to be the most efficient method of the H2O2-based AOPs for COD removal and LPI reduction of the leachate. Keywords: AOPs; Leachate; H2O2; Peroxone process; Fenton process; Ozonation; hybrid techniques
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:D 198 Q23 2020.
Stepped spillways with non-uniform step length/ Abdelwanees Ashoor; Supervisor: Amin Riazi by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia: Cyprus International University, 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT Stepped spillways are a typical configuration that are used for releasing water and floods from an embankment dam. The stepped chute helps to enhance the energy dissipation. Stepped spillways have been investigated for more than three decades and in more advanced studies the complex two-phase flow has been considered. In terms of energy dissipation, in the literature, the effect of the non-uniform stepped length has not been discussed comprehensively. Therefore, in this thesis, different type of stepped chute configurations, from uniform steps to completely random ones, have been investigated. With the help of InterFOAM and through volume-of-fluid method, the free surface air-water flow as well as flow turbulence were modeled numerically. In this study, to check the numerical simulations, five turbulence models were utilized. The turbulence models that were studied are: Standard k- ε, Realizable k- ε, RNG k- ε, Standard -k-ω and SST-k-ω model. To determine the type of the turbulence that is appropriate and efficient in a stepped spillway, the numerical results were validated. The results of the simulations were compared with experimental data available in the literature. The results indicated that among all the turbulence models, the realizable k- ε model is the most efficient model. The results indicated that the air entrainment increases if the step length increases. Moreover, in the investigated configurations, the air portion increased in the concave spillways, contrary to the convex ones and compared to uniform configurations, in term of aeration, the performance of random and semi-uniform configurations were not better. . In the interest of energy dissipation, among all the uniform configurations, the uniform stepped chute with a slope of 1V:2.2H had the best performance. Furthermore, for uniform stepped spillways, a new relationships between relative critical flow depth and relative energy dissipation was proposed. The results revealed that instead of increasing the horizontal face length, the semi-uniform stepped spillways can improve the energy dissipation significantly. Keywords: Stepped Spillway; InterFOAM; VOF; Turbulence Model; Skimming Flows.
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:D 193 A84 2020.
Properties of high-performance mortar using fly ash and cenospheres under different curing regimes/ Aamar Danish; Supervisor: Mohammed Ali Mosaberpanah by
Baskı: 1st edition
Dil: İngilizce : ,
Tez notu: Thesis
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1719 D26 2020.
Brides for Sale / NERİMAN CAHİT; Editor: Kathleen Stephanides by Dil: İngilizce NICOSIA: TCAUW, 2014
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:CYP 392.5 C24 2014.
Kuzey Kıbrıs'ta Yolsuzluk Algısı: 2019 Raporu / Ömer Gökçekuş & Sertaç Sonan by Dil: Türkçe Nicosia: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (Vakfı), 2020
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:CYP 346.033 G65 2021.
Corruption Perception in North Cyprus: 2020 Report / Omer Gokcekus & Sertac Sonan by Dil: İngilizce Nicosia: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2021
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:CYP 364.1323 G45 2021.
The Origins of The Cypriots / Marie-Louise Winbladh by Dil: İngilizce Nicosia: Galeri Kultur Publishing, 2020
Diğer başlık:
  • With Scientific Data of Archeology and Genetics
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:CYP 305.386 W46 2020.
Baskı: 1. Baskı
Dil: enggretur Nicosia: Baranga Publications, 2019
Diğer başlık:
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:CYP 809.1 O63 2019.
Diğer başlık:
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:CYP 956.9304 P65 2021.
30 HOT DAYS / BY M. A. BIRAND by Dil: İngilizce London: Nicosia: İstanbul: K. Rustem & Brother, 1985
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:CYP 956.9304 B47 1985.
Diğer başlık:
  • The British connection
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:CYP 956.45 R44 1986.
Baskı: First Edition
Dil: İngilizce NICOSIA: DISCOURSE Publishing, 2004
Diğer başlık:
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:823.912 F25 2004.
Corruption Perceptions in North Cyprus / Omer Gokcekus & Sertac Sonan by Dil: İngilizce Nicosia: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2021
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (2)Yer numarası:CYP 364.1323 G64 2021, ...
Kuzey Kıbrıs'ta Yolsuzluk Algısı: 2020 Raporu / Ömer Gökçekuş & Sertaç Sonan by Dil: Türkçe Nicosia: FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG, 2021
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (2)Yer numarası:CYP 364.1323 G64 2021, ...
Kuzey Kıbrıs'ta Yolsuzluk Algısı: 2022 Algısı / Ömer Gökçekuş & Sertaç Sonan by Dil: Türkçe Nicosia: FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG, 2023
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (2)Yer numarası:CYP 364.1323 G64 2023, ...
Kuzey Kıbrıs'ta Yolsuzluk Algısı: 2021 Raporu / Ömer Gökçekuş & Sertaç Sonan by Dil: Türkçe Nicosia: FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG, 2022
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (2)Yer numarası:CYP 364.1323 G64 2022, ...
Corruption Barometer / SERTAÇ SONAN & ÖMER GÖKÇEKUŞ by Dil: İngilizce Nicosia: [publisher not identified], 2020
Diğer başlık:
  • The Northern Part of Cyprus
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (2)Yer numarası:CYP 364.1323 S66 2020, ...
NORTH CYPRUS Dil: İngilizce Nicosia: Rustem Bookshop, 2006
Diğer başlık:
  • a pocket guide to
  • with Stories, Photos and Map
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:CYP 915.693 N67 2006.
Farewell to the "Old Cyprus Stories With Blue Shutters", May new ones be written with Friendship and Pomegranates / Sevil Emirzade by
Baskı: 1. Edition
Dil: İngilizce Nicosia: [publisher not identified], 2021
Diğer başlık:
  • With Historical Documentary Theatre Plays
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (2)Yer numarası:CYP 792.095693 E47 2021, ...
Sorumlu Gazetecilik / Vasvi Çiftçioğlu. by Dil: Türkçe Lefkoşa : British High Commission Nicosia, 2023
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (2)Yer numarası:CYP 070.4 C55 2023, ...
Sovereignty Divided : Essays on the international dimensions of the Cyprus problem / Michael Moran by Dil: İngilizce NICOSIA: [publisher not identified], 1999
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:CYP 956.93 M67 1999.
Annan Plan Interviews / Süleyman Ergüçlü by Dil: İngilizce 2023 Nicosia : ,
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:CYP 902 E74 2023.
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