Mobile language learning practices at universities in North Cyprus

Atak, Gülçin

Mobile language learning practices at universities in North Cyprus Gülçin Atak, Supervisor: Özcan Demirel - Nicosia Cyprus International University 2012 - VIII, 96 p. fig. graph., tab. 30.5 cm

Includes references (79-82 p.) Includes appendixes.(83-96 p.)

CHAPTER 1 Background of the Study 1 Purpose of the Study 5 Significanace of the Study 6 Definition of Terms 6 REVIEW OF LITERATURE 9 Language Learning and Technology 9 Mobile Learning 10 Mobile Learning for Language Learning 12 From e-learning to M-learning 13 Types of Mobile Learning Devices 14 Personal Digital Assistants(PDAs) 15 Laptop 17 Mobile Phone 17 MP3/MP4 Player 19 iPod 19 Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Learning 20 What is the Future of Mobile Technology in Education? 23 Mobile Learning Research 24 Mobile Lanaguage Class: Language Learning through Mobile Gaming 24 Using SMSs to Engage Students in Language Learning 24 An overview of Mobile assisted language learning : From content delivery to supported collaboration and Interaction 25 Adopting Cell Phones in EFL Teaching and Learning 25 Mobile Devices for Language Learning. Multimedia Approaches 26 Exploring the use of Mobile Phones for Supporting English Language Learner's Vocabulary Acquisition 26 Learning tourism English on Mobile phones: How does it works? 27 The Use of Mobile Pones in Learning English Language by Sultan Qaboos Unıversity Students: Practices, Attitudes and Challenges 27 Mobile Phone: Just a Phone or a Language Learning Device? 28 METHDOLOGY 29 Overall Design of the Study 29 Research Questions 31 Context 31 Participants 33 Data Collection Procedures 35 Data Collections Instruments 35 Questionnaire 36 Interview 36 Procedure of the Study 37 Data Analysis 38 Limitations of the Study 38 RESULTS 39 Overview of Chapter 39 The Findings of the Questionnaire 41 Personnal Characteristics of the participants 41 Usage of Mobile phones 42 Attitudes Towards learning English through mobile phones 42 The Frequency of Mobile devices usage in language learning 45 Average distribution of mobile devices in Language learning 46 Gneral tendencies towards M-Learning 50 The Relationship between motivation and M-Learning 57 Language Skill and Mobile Learning 60 Self-Learning and Self- comfidences through mobile learning 65 Purposes of Using mobile phones 66 Interview analysis 70 CONCLUSION 74 Conclusion and Discussion 74 Research Question 1: Is there any relationship between the use of mobile phone for mobile learning of Unıversity students? 74 Reasearch Question 2: Is there any Relationship between the Use of mobile phone for mobile learning and age in Language learning of Unıversity students? 75 Reasearch Question 3:What are the Unıversity student's attitudes to the use of the Mobile Phones for mobile learning in language learning? 76 Implications 77 Suggestions for Further Research 77 REFERENCES 79 APPENDICES 83

'ABSTRACT The main aim of this study is to examine students' attitudes towards the effectiveness of mobile learning in North Cyprus universities. Data for this study was obtained through administering an attitude questionnaire and an interview prepared by the researcher. Totally 100 participants took part in this research, 42 (N=42) of them were female and 58 of them (N=58) were male. The study was conducted in the spring term of the 2010-2011 academic year. The participants were randomly selected from five universities. The participants were from not only prep school of universities but also other department of the universities. Quantitative data obtained from the questionnaire and qualitative data obtained from open ended questions in the questionnaire and the interviews were analyzed to investigate participants' attitudes. İn other words, a deeper analysis of the data was provided by means of open-ended questions in the questionnaire and the interview. This study includes the results of the survey conducted to male and female students at North Cyprus Universities about their attitudes and perceptions concerning the use of mobile technology in education. The finding of the study revealed that according to a questionnaire prepared by the research, there is a highly positive tendency towards learning English via mobile devices. There is no significant difference between the use of mobile phones and gender, the use of mobile phones and age. In addition to this, the open-ended questions in the last section of the questionnaire and the interview prepare by the researcher supported the findings gathered from the questionnaire. Keywords: Mobile learning, mobile devices, mobile phones, technology, attitude Özet Bu çalışmanın temel amacı Kuzey Kıbrıs Üniversitelerindeki öğrencilerin mobil öğrenme ile ilgili tutumlarını incelemektir. Bu çalışma ya dönük veriler, araştırmacı tarafından hazırlanan bir tutum anketi ve görüşme formu ile elde edilmiştir. Bu araştırmaya 42 bayan, 58 erkek toplam 100 kişi katılmıştır. Çalışma 2010-2011 akademık yılı bahar döneminde beş farklı üniversitede uygulanmıştır. Katılımcılar beş üniversiteden seçkisiz yolla seçildi. Katılımcılar sadece hazırlık öğrencisi değil aynı zamanda diğer bölümlerden de seçildiler. Anketten elde edildilen nicel veri ve anketteki açık uçlu sorular ile görüşme sonucu elde edilen nitel veriler katılımcıların tutumlarını incelemek için analiz edildi. Diğer bir anlatımla, anketteki açlı uçlu sorular ve görüşme yolu ile daha derinlemesine bir bilgiye ulaşılmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu çalışma Kuzey Kıbrıs Üniversitelerindeki bay ve bayan öğrencilere uygulanan eğitimde mobil teknoloji kullanımı ile ilgili tutum ve algılarını inceleyen anket sonuçlarını içermektedir. Araştırmacı tarafından hazırlanan anket sonuçlarına göre, bu çalışma mobil araçlarla ingilizce öğrenmeye karşı yüksek bir pozitif eğilim olduğunu göstermiştir. Cep telefonu kullanımı ile cinsiyet ve yaş bakımıdan önemli bir farkın olmadığı ortaya çıkmıştır. Buna ek olarak, anketin son bölümünde yer alan açık uçlu sorular görüşme sonucu anketten elde edilen bulguları desteklemiştir Anahtar kelimeler: Mobil öğrenme, mobil araçlar, cep telefonu, teknoloji, tutum. '

Mobile learning
Mobil öğrenme
Araştırmaya Başlarken  
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