The role of pictures and games in vocabulary teaching: A case study with a two-year old boy in a naturalistic setting

Akkoyun, Esra

The role of pictures and games in vocabulary teaching: A case study with a two-year old boy in a naturalistic setting Esra Akkoyun; Supervisor: Behbood Mohammadzadeh - Nicosia Cyprus International University 2013 - V, 97 p. pic., tab. 30.5 cm CD

Includes CD

Includes appendix (86-97 p.) Includes references (81-85 p.)

CHAPTER 1 6 INTRODUCTION 6 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 6 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY 7 RESEARCH QUESTIONS 8 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY 9 LIMITATION OF THE STUDY 11 ORGANIZATION OF THE THESIS 11 SUMMARY OF THE CHAPTER 12 CHAPTER II 13 INTRODUCTION 13 FEATURE OF THE VOCABULARY TEACHING PLAN OF THE THESIS 13 WHO IS A ''VERY YOUNG LEANER''? 14 CHARACTERISTICS OF VERY YOUNG LEANERS OF ENGLISH 14 PRINCIPLES OF CHILDREN'S LEARNING AND LANGUAGES LEARNING 15 PRICINPLES OF CHILDREN'S LANGUAGE LEARNING 17 PRINCIPLES OF CHILDREN'S SECOND LANGUAGES LEARNING AND TEACHING 18 VOCABULARY IN THE GENERAL CONCEPT OF LANGUAGE 22 IMPORTANCE OF VOCABULARY 23 CHILDREN'S LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT 24 STRATEGIES OF TEACHING VOCABULARY TO A VERY YOUNG LEARNER 25 PICTURE IN FOREIGN VOCALBULARY TERCHING 25 TEACHING ENGLISH VOCALBULARY USING GAMES 26 BENEFITS OF USING GAMES AND GAMES PICTURES IN VOCABULARY TEACHING 27 MOTIVATION 28 REAL LIFE 28 SELF-CONFIDENCE 28 ROLE OF GAMES AND PICTURES IN VOCABULARY RETENTION 29 ASSESSING SECOND LANGUAGE VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT OF VERY YOUNG LEARNERS 33 RATIONALE FOR ASSESSING VERY YOUNG LEANERS 33 WHAT IS A 'GOOD' RESULT? 33 STUDIES ON TEACHING TO YOUNG LEANERS AND VERY YOUNG LEANERS 36 SUMMARY OF CHAPTER 38 CHAPTER III 39 METHODOLOGY 39 INTRODUCTION 39 STEPS IN A CASE STUDY RESEARCH 42 SETTING THE LOCATION AND TIME LIMITS AND THE PARTICIPANT: CASE STUDY OF A LANGUAGE LEANER 42 RESEARCH QUESTIONS 44 CONTEXT OF THE STUDY 44 DATA SOURCES 45 HOME OBSERVATIONS DURING ACTIVITIES 45 VOCALBULARY RETENTION TESTS 46 DATA ANALYSIS PROCEDURE 47 RESEARCH DESIGN 47 DESCRIPTION OF THE GAMES AND PICTURES IMPLEMENTED 50 CHAPTER IV 54 DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULTS 54 INTRODUCTION 54 RESEARCH QUESTION : Are games and pictures effective on the Learning and retention of the Vocalbulary items? 54 Sub-Research Question 1 : How does the use of pictures effect a very young learner's vocalbulary learning process? 59 Sub-Research Question 2: How does the use of games affect a very young learner's vocabulary learning process? 63 Sub-research question 3: Does the Implementation of pictures contribute to the retention ? 67 Sub-research Question 4: Does the Implementation of games contirbute to the retention? 69 Sub-research Question 5: Does the implementation of pictures for a very young learner in a real life setting increase leaner's interest and motivation in learning the English vocabulary to be taught and facilitate the process? 71 Sub-research Question 6: Does the implementation of games for games for a very young learners in a real life setting increase learner's interest and motivation in learning the English vocabulary to be taught and facilities the process? 72 Sub-research Question 7: How does the use of picture affect a two year old boy's vocalbulary learning in a three month's periods? 73 Sub-research Quetion 8 : How does the use of genes affect a two year old boy's vocalbulary learning in three month period? 75 CHAPTER V 76 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 76 Introduction 76 DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS 76 SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH 79 SUMMARY OF THE CHAPTER 80 REFERENCES 81 APPENDICES 86

'ABSTRACT This research study was designed to determine the influence of introducing English vocabulary items at very early ages in a naturalistic setting by comparing the participant's achievements and attitudes towards vocabulary learning through games and pictures. Another aim of the study is to find out whether teaching vocabulary through games and pictures will result in better learning and retention and offer suggestions based on the findings. Within the frameworks of the dynamics of a case study involved in teaching vocabulary to a very young learner, living in TRNC, the variables in this case study include the use of various pictures and games in vocabulary teaching as independent variables and the very young learner participating in the study in his learning English vocabulary as a dependent variable. The participant was observed from about 24 months to 27 months age. Retention tests prepared by the researcher were administered to the participant during the teaching and learning process in order to learn the role of games and pictures in vocabulary learning and retention. The participant in the study was taught by the researcher, herself, who had been trained in one of the English language teaching departments in Turkey. Data were obtained from the subject both by means of the home observations in a naturalistic setting and the retention tests and evaluated by the researcher. The descriptive analysis of the retention tests and home observations revealed that both games and pictures were effective in a very young learner's vocabulary learning but it was clear that teaching vocabulary using games was more effective than teaching vocabulary through pictures to the very young learner who was two years old. The findings of research will have a profound effect on the contribution of games and pictures for vocabulary learning while teaching young learners and very young learners. Keywords: vocabulary learning, vocabulary teaching, pictures and games in vocabulary learning, young language learners. '

Kelime öğrenmede resim ve oyunlar
Pictures and games in vocabulary learning
Kelime öğretimi
Vocabulary teaching
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