International communication Continuity and change
Thussu, Daya Kishan
International communication Continuity and change Daya Kishan Thusu - 2nd. ed. - U.K Hodder arnold 2006 - xxii, 336 p. tbl., grf. 23.2 cm
Includes glossary,appendix & references (250-311 p.) Icludes index (312-336 p.)
The Hıstorıcal Context of Internatıonal Communication 1 Communication and empire 1 The growth of the telegraph 3 The era of news agencies 9 Case of Study: The Rise of Reuters 10 The advent of popular media 12 Radio and International Communication 14 The battle of the airwaves 15 The Cold War- From communist Propaganda to Capitalist Persuasion 16 Case study: covert communication -Radio free Europe and Radio Liberty 19 International Communication and Development 26 Case study: Satellite Instructional Television Experiment (SITE) 27 The demand foe a New World Information and Communication Order 31 Approach to theorizing international Communication 40 Free Flow of Information 42 Modernization theory 42 Dependency Theory 46 Structural imperialism 50 Hegemony 52 Critical Theory 53 The Public Sphere 55 Cultural Studies Perspectives on international communication 56 Theories of the information society 57 Discourses of globalization 60 A critical international communication theory? 64 Creating a global communication infrastructure 66 The Privatization of telecommunications 66 Free trade in communication products and services 67 Liberalization of the telecom sector 73 Privatizing space- the final frontier 76 Case study : intelsat 78 The global satellite industry 81 Regional Satellite services 84 Case study: Murdoch's media -The eyes of the world are on us 86 The globalization of telecoms 92 Implications of a liberalized global communication regime 94 The global media bazaar 98 Convergence 98 Global trade in media products 111 Case study: Televising Sport Globally-ESPN 115 Global news and information networks 130 Case study: CNN - The world's news Leader 135 Setting the global news agenda 141 The Global and the local in media culture 145 Globalization of American culture? 145 Case study: MTV Music Television 149 Concern for cultural diversity 160 Global English 163 Regionalization and Localization in the media market 166 Case study: Zee TV and hybrid television 176 Contraflow in the global media 180 Viewing the global village 180 Discontents of Cultural Globalization 183 Global Counterflow of Televion 185 Case study: Al-Jazeera- the island that became a global news phenomenon 190 China's Peaceful rising and global communication 193 Media Exports from the south to the north 195 Case study: The transnationalization of telenovelas 196 case study: The other Hollywood- the Indian film industry 200 International Communication in the Internet age 207 The dawn of the Internet age 207 The Internet and a Free Flow of commerce 212 Case study; The Googlization of global communication 214 Case study: Globalization of infotainment and edutainment 219 The internet and political communication 227 Case study: The global war on terrorism 231 The global digital divide 235 International communication-continuity and change 244 Glossary 250 Appendix I : A chronology of international communication 260 Appendix II: Useful websites 270 Appendix III: Discussion Questions 276 Reference 279 Author index 312 Subject index 318
Communication telecommunication
İletişim telekomünikasyon
384 / T48 2006
International communication Continuity and change Daya Kishan Thusu - 2nd. ed. - U.K Hodder arnold 2006 - xxii, 336 p. tbl., grf. 23.2 cm
Includes glossary,appendix & references (250-311 p.) Icludes index (312-336 p.)
The Hıstorıcal Context of Internatıonal Communication 1 Communication and empire 1 The growth of the telegraph 3 The era of news agencies 9 Case of Study: The Rise of Reuters 10 The advent of popular media 12 Radio and International Communication 14 The battle of the airwaves 15 The Cold War- From communist Propaganda to Capitalist Persuasion 16 Case study: covert communication -Radio free Europe and Radio Liberty 19 International Communication and Development 26 Case study: Satellite Instructional Television Experiment (SITE) 27 The demand foe a New World Information and Communication Order 31 Approach to theorizing international Communication 40 Free Flow of Information 42 Modernization theory 42 Dependency Theory 46 Structural imperialism 50 Hegemony 52 Critical Theory 53 The Public Sphere 55 Cultural Studies Perspectives on international communication 56 Theories of the information society 57 Discourses of globalization 60 A critical international communication theory? 64 Creating a global communication infrastructure 66 The Privatization of telecommunications 66 Free trade in communication products and services 67 Liberalization of the telecom sector 73 Privatizing space- the final frontier 76 Case study : intelsat 78 The global satellite industry 81 Regional Satellite services 84 Case study: Murdoch's media -The eyes of the world are on us 86 The globalization of telecoms 92 Implications of a liberalized global communication regime 94 The global media bazaar 98 Convergence 98 Global trade in media products 111 Case study: Televising Sport Globally-ESPN 115 Global news and information networks 130 Case study: CNN - The world's news Leader 135 Setting the global news agenda 141 The Global and the local in media culture 145 Globalization of American culture? 145 Case study: MTV Music Television 149 Concern for cultural diversity 160 Global English 163 Regionalization and Localization in the media market 166 Case study: Zee TV and hybrid television 176 Contraflow in the global media 180 Viewing the global village 180 Discontents of Cultural Globalization 183 Global Counterflow of Televion 185 Case study: Al-Jazeera- the island that became a global news phenomenon 190 China's Peaceful rising and global communication 193 Media Exports from the south to the north 195 Case study: The transnationalization of telenovelas 196 case study: The other Hollywood- the Indian film industry 200 International Communication in the Internet age 207 The dawn of the Internet age 207 The Internet and a Free Flow of commerce 212 Case study; The Googlization of global communication 214 Case study: Globalization of infotainment and edutainment 219 The internet and political communication 227 Case study: The global war on terrorism 231 The global digital divide 235 International communication-continuity and change 244 Glossary 250 Appendix I : A chronology of international communication 260 Appendix II: Useful websites 270 Appendix III: Discussion Questions 276 Reference 279 Author index 312 Subject index 318
Communication telecommunication
İletişim telekomünikasyon
384 / T48 2006