The role of information and communication technology (ICT) in lifelong language learning Gülberk Atak; Supervisor: Özcan Demirel
Dil: İngilizce Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia Cyprus International University 2012Tanım: IX, 95 p. fig. graph., tab. 30.5 cmİçerik türü:- text
- unmediated
- volume
Materyal türü | Geçerli Kütüphane | Koleksiyon | Yer Numarası | Durum | Notlar | İade tarihi | Barkod | Materyal Ayırtmaları | |
Thesis | CIU LIBRARY Tez Koleksiyonu | Tez Koleksiyonu | YL 277 A83 2012 (Rafa gözat(Aşağıda açılır)) | Kullanılabilir | English Language Teaching Department | T57 |
CIU LIBRARY raflarına göz atılıyor, Raftaki konumu: Tez Koleksiyonu, Koleksiyon: Tez Koleksiyonu Raf tarayıcısını kapatın(Raf tarayıcısını kapatır)
Includes appendixes (85-95 p.)
Includes references (80-84 p.)
'Abstract The major purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of ICT in improving the quality of learning English by finding out the students' attitudes to the ICT in North Cyprus. The data was gathered through an attitude questionnaire prepared by the researcher considering technological devices used in class. The survey method was used in this study. Data gathered was analyzed by using SPSS program. Quantitative data obtained from the questionnaire and qualitative data obtained from open ended questions in the questionnaire and the interviews were analyzed to investigate participants' attitudes. This study involves the results of an attitudes questionnaire administered to male and female students in North Cyprus, in the spring term of the 2010-2011 academic year, about their attitudes and perceptions related to the use of ICT in language education. This research involves two different groups in North Cyprus. The first group consisted of students at Cyprus International University in Nicosia and the second group consisted of language learners from a course called Varoğlu Dershanesi. A hundred participants were selected randomly, 43 female participants (N=43) and 57 male participants (N=57) took part in this research. The findings revealed that there is a strong tendency towards using ICT in language learning, there is no significant difference between age and attitudes towards using technology in language learning, there is no statistically difference between the use of technology and gender. Keywords: ICT, technology, tendency, computer, language learning Özet Bu araştırmanın temel amacı Kuzey Kıbrıs'taki öğrencilerin Bilgi iletişim Teknolojisine (BİT) yönelik tutumlarını bularak İngilizce öğrenme kalitesini artırmada BİT'nin etkisini analiz etmekti. Veri araştırmacı tarafından sınıfta teknolojik aletlerin kullanımını dikkate alarak hazırlanan bir tutum anketi vasıtası ile elde edildi. Bu çalışmada anket yöntemi kullanıldı. Elde edilen very SPSS program kullanarak analiz edildi. Anketten elde edilen nicel veri ve anketteki açık uçlu soru ile görüşmeden elde edilen nitel veri katılımcıların tutumlarını ölçmek için analiz edildi. Bu çalışma 2010-2011 akademik yılı bahar döneminde Kuzey Kıbrısta erkek ve kadın öğrencilere uygulanan eğitimde BİT kullanımı ile ilgili tutum ve algıları ile ilgili anket sonuçlarını içermektedir. Bu çalışma Kuzey Kıbrıs'ta iki farklı grubu kapsadı. İlk grup Uluslararası Kıbrıs Üniversitesi öğrencilerinden meydana geldi ve ikinci grup Varoğlu Dershanesi'nde dil öğrenenlerden oluştu. Yüz öğrenci rastgele seçildi, 43 bayan 57 erkek katılımcı bu araştırmaya katıldı. Sonuçlar dil öğreniminde BİT kullanımına yönelik güçlü bir eğilim olduğunu göstermektedir. Dil öğrenmede teknoloji kullanımına yönelik tutum ile yaş arasında ve teknoloji kullanımı ile cinsiyet arasında istatiksel açıdan anlamlı bir fark bulunmamıştır. Anahtar kelimeler: BİT, teknoloji, eğilim, bilgisayar, dil öğrenimi. '
1 Background of the Study
4 Purpose of the Study
4 Significance of the Study
5 Definition of Terms
7 Language Learning and Technology
9 Language Learning and ICT
11 ICT
11 Multimedia
12 The Internet
12 Mobile Phone
13 Computer
14 Benefits and Challanges of Using ICT in language learning
16 Studies on ICT (From 2000 to 2012)
16 The Impact of Information and Communication Technologies on Pupil Learning and Attainment (Impact 2)
17 Factor that Influence Students' Learning Attitudes Toward Computer Courses
17 Perceptions of Infromation and Communication Technology among undergraduate management student in Barbados
18 Teachers'perception of the Use of Technology in Teaching languages in United Arab Emirate's Schools
18 New Technologies: The Student's perspective
18 Language Learning via ICT : Uses, Challenges and Issues
19 ICT in Participatory Development of Teaching/Learning English as a Global Language in Nigeria: A Discourse
19 Support Foriegn Language Vocalbulary learning Through Multimedia Messages via Mobile Phones
20 Using ICT in English for Specific Purposes Classroom
20 ICT resources and language learning: results of a Survey on the actual use of ICT in teaching Italian as a second language
22 Overall Design of the Study
24 Research Questions
24 Context
26 Participants
28 Data Collection Procedure
29 Data Collection Instruments
29 Questionnaire
30 Interview
31 Procedure of the Study
31 Data Analysis
32 Limitations of the Study
33 Overview of the Chapter
34 The Findings of the Questionnaire Items
35 The Personal Characteristics of the Participants
38 Attitudes towrads learning English through computer
40 Attitude towards learning English through technological devices
42 Which one of the Following is the best choice for you in Language learning?
44 The Frequency of ICT usage in Langauage learning
45 The Relationship Between Language Skills and ICT
51 The Relationship Between Motivation and ICT
54 The Relationship Between Languages Learning Materials and ICT
56 Self-learning and Self -assessment through ICT
59 General Tendency Towards Using ICT in Language Learning
65 Sharing Information Through ICT in Language Learning
66 The Purpose of Using ICT in Language Learning
69 The Finding of the Interview
74 Conclusion and Discussion
75 Research Question 1: What are the Students' attitude towards ICT in language learning?
76 Research Question 2: Is there any relationship between student's use of technology and gender ?
77 Research Question 3: As People get older, do their attitudes related to using technology change?
78 Implications
79 Suggestions for Further Research