Determination Of Asphalt Deterioration using Pavement Condition Index, Case Study: Homs, Syria/ Amr Alkahel; Supervisor: Göktuğ Tenekeci by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Cyprus; Cyprus International University: 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT
Pavement deterioration is a result of complex distress as pavement cracking through fatigue under repeated loadings and environmental cycles; deformation of the pavement structure through shearing; and disintegration of materials when mechanical or chemical bonds are broken through weathering, infiltration, or loading. Due to variations in construction and material quality, the age of a pavement structure may not accurately indicate the condition or the performance of the pavement. Pavements or paved roads in most areas especially tropical or sub-tropical are more susceptible to deterioration due to the harsh climatic conditions, lack of proper designs, and quality control, high loads all sum up to the reason for deterioration and these are all needed in identifying distress causes before carrying out maintenance work and rehabilitation. Pavements distress according to how they occur and their nature of occurrence has to be identified properly before any corrective measure is taken.
The road network density is generally satisfactory, the total length of Syria’s paved road network is about 30,000 km (2010), of which about 15000 km main roads, the secondary and agricultural road network is about at 18,000 km. The unpaved network is about 3,000 km long. There is also a network of seasonal tracks about 50,000 km. The current road situation of some places in Homs, Syria due to recent events of conflicts and war has left the road rapidly deteriorating. The extent of damage is even more critical on the major roads where higher traffic volumes are excepted, not only have this reduced the level of service it has most importantly increased the number of accident on these highways which is taking away the most principal function of a motorway, safety. This study seeks to proffer solution to this menace.
The methodology adopted for this study is the pavement condition index technique. This is done by identifying a suitable location for data collection, and dividing the road segment into four section areas, identifying the defects and severity level, and then proffering suitable solutions and recommendations necessary to revive the road to its original state.
Keywords: Pavement Deterioration, Pavement Condition Index, Severity Level, PCI Value, Maintenance and Rehabilitation.
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1711 A45 2020.
Evaluation of Employee's performance based on behavioral factors: A case of Commercial Bank Douala, (Cameroon)/ Azah Cynthia Atanga; Supervisor: Mehrshad Radmehr Hashemipour by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Cyprus; Cyprus International University: 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT Behavioral factor are the focal points of an organization to measure employee's job performance. These factors are considered to be very important to an organization as they influence the job performance of their employees. The aim of this study is to "evaluate employee's job performance based on behavioral factors": A case of Commercial Bank Douala, (Cameroon). The tested behavioral factors in this study are; "openness to experience", "emotional stability", "extraversion", "conscientiousness" and "social and psychological characteristics of job". Therefore the study aimed at finding out the behavioral factors that actually influence employees' job performance. A structured questionnaire survey was conducted randomly in five likert scales. This survey was conducted from employees of Eco-Bank in Douala. The research had a sample size of 193 and the questionnaires were circulated amongst the sample size. However, only 183 questionnaires were used for data analysis, meaning that; 10 questionnaires were void and cancelled giving a response rate of 95%. The data were analyzed using a Cronbach's Alpha and also Factor analysis to assess the reliability of the questionnaires. Furthermore, a normality test was utilized to evaluate the shape of the distribution of the data. To test the proposed model and framed hypothesis, a regression analysis was utilized. The outcomes of the regression analyses showed an affirmative and noteworthy link between openness to experience, conscientiousness and social and psychological characteristics of job to employees' job performance. Additionally, it was established that both emotional stability and extraversion showed no evidence relationship to employees' job performance. Therefore, all except H2 and H3 stated alternative hypothesis were accepted. This implies that, Eco-Bank Douala should focus more on employee's who are open to experience, determined and to the social and psychological characteristics of job to achieve a massive improvement in employee's job performance. Keywords: Employees Performance, Behavioral Factors, Social and psychological Characteristics of Job.
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1710 A83 2020.
Determinants Of Financial Inclusion in Africa: A Panel Data Approach/ Thimothee Miguel Nyambioh Bikek; Supervisor: Mehmet Ağa by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Cyprus; Cyprus International University: 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT Financial inclusion concept has gained a lot of interest among academia and practitioners. It further attracts attention of international organization such as IMF, World Bank, G20 among others who made it as a fundamental goal to achieve sustainable growth. The aim of the study is to assess the determinants of financial inclusion in Africa. Using a panel data approach across 38 countries of Sub-Saharan Africa, the study focus on three types of variables (socials, economics, and institutional). Five different estimation techniques were used in order to check the robustness of the finding. Those estimation techniques were: the prais-winstern correlated panel corrected standard errors regression, the fixed and random effects models, the generalized least squares method, and the Hausman test. After controlling the different impact of ATM, branches, and credit on the three different types of variables, it was found that level of education, and broad money where positive, significant, and robust. Also it was found that natural resources are negative, significant and robust. In the other hand electricity, GDP, remittance, and trade were found significant with negative coefficient for trade and non-robust. Finally variable like population, FDI, and governance were not significant. Therefore study recommend that African government and policy maker should invest more in infrastructure and education; implement FDI and business-friendly policies to create a stable macroeconomic environment. Also African government have to reinforce the rule and law, protect property rights, fight against corruption and improve the overall governance. In short build policies or reforms tailored to the specific need of African economy because a model establish in other continents might not work properly in Africa. Keywords: Financial inclusion, Financial development, Financial system, Economic growth ÖZET Finansal içerme kavramı akademi ve uygulayıcılar arasında büyük ilgi gördü. Sürdürülebilir büyüme için temel bir hedef haline getiren diğerleri arasında IMF, Dünya Bankası, G20 gibi uluslararası organizasyonların da dikkatini çekiyor. Çalışmanın amacı, Afrika'da finansal içermenin belirleyicilerini değerlendirmektir. Sahra altı Afrıka'nın 38 ülkesinde bir panel veri yaklaşımı kullanarak, çalışma üç tür değişkene (sosyal, ekonomik ve kurumsal) odaklanmaktadır. Bulgunun sağlamlığını kontrol etmek için kullanıldığı beş farklı tahmin tekniği. Bu tahmin teknikleri şöyleydi: prais-winstern ilişkili panel düzeltilmiş standart hata regresyonu, sabit ve rasgele etki modelleri, genelleştirilmiş en küçük kareler yöntemi ve Hausman testi. ATM, şube ve kredilerin üç farklı değişken türü üzerindeki farklı etkilerini kontrol ettikten sonra, eğitim düzeyinin ve pozitif, anlamlı ve sağlam olduğu yerlerde geniş para olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca doğal kaynakların negatif, anlamlı ve sağlam olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Öte yandan, elektrik, GSYİH, havale ve ticaret, ticaret için negatif ve sağlam olmayan negatif katsayı ile anlamlı bulundu. Son olarak, anlamlı olmayan yerlerde nüfus, DYY ve yönetişim gibi değişkenler. Bu nedenle çalışma, Afrika hükümetinin ve politika yapıcısının altyapı ve eğitime daha fazla yatırım yapmasını önermektedir; istikrarlı bir makroekonomik ortam oluşturmak için DYY ve iş dostu politikalar uygulamak. Ayrıca Afrika hükümeti, kuralı ve yasayı güçlendirmeli, mülkiyet haklarını korumalı, yolsuzlukla mücadele etmeli ve genel yönetişimi geliştirmelidir. Kısacası Afrika ekonomisinin özel ihtiyacına göre düzenlenmiş politikalar veya reformlar, çünkü diğer kıtalarda kurulan bir model Afrika'da düzgün çalışmayabilir. Anahtar kelimeler: Finansal içerme, Finansal gelişme, Finansal sistem, Ekonomik büyüme
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1691 N93 2020.
Fault location detection and diagnosis on electrical power system by using Impedance method Nizar Jabar Faqi Shafyee Alzebari; Supervisor: Mehmet Kuşaf by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Cyprus; Cyprus International University: 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT
Electrical energy, is the most essential commodity in human’s daily life. Which is used in residential, industrial and commercial level. Over the past few years the electrical power systems have developed quickly due to rising of demand on electricity to meet the new needs of the modern life, resulted an enormous increase of the number of power plants and transmission lines. Thus electrical power systems are unceasingly exposed to diverse kinds of fault manifestation and unpredicted failures due to numerous reasons, such as lightning strike, storms, snowing, insulation problems and contacts occasioned by nature, birds, animals and other impulses, failure of components in the electrical grid because of human error or aging of that equipment. These phenomena disturb and interrupt the power system operation which impact on the reliability of the system, damage of components, loss of productivity, and consumers experience outage hours which cause huge economic losses.
In this thesis the fault location detection based on impedance method has been instigated by adopting Matlab program and Simulink for fault detection and location of several type of faults which has been conducted successfully for the proposed power system with twenty two buses, seven generator sources which generating the electrical energy, with using twenty five transmission lines which transmitting the electrical energy to the customers, by using fifteen loads with different values of power consuming, through this design of power system, the simulation for detecting all kinds of faults has been done properly, with determining the faulted phases and the type of each fault and the location of the faults for example for (SLGF) for phase A with ground fault the distance found (d=56.7066 Km) from bus 19, (LLF) for Phase B with C fault (d=30.9232 Km) from bus 19, (DLGF) for phase A-C with ground (d=70.2021 Km), and (LLLGF) for phases A,B and C with ground (d=47.9495 Km) these are some examples for the fault locations that has been found but the location of all types of the faults has been detected successfully in the methodology. Moreover the proposed methodology has many economic advantages such as reducing the total cost of the maintenance process through detecting any fault that might happen in the power system easily and quickly, the proposed method is also capable of detecting the location of the faults which accelerate the repairing of the faults, fasten the restoration process, decrease the time required for the maintenance and decrease the cost of the maintenance which lead to minimize the outage period of the power which make the whole power system more stable and more reliable. Moreover an efficient protection system has been designed to detect each kinds of faults, and direct the circuit breaker to trip the power supply immediately after fault occurrence to protect the whole system from the harmful impacts of the unpredicted faults.
Keywords: Power System, Fault Location Detection, Impedance Based Technique.
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:YL 1726 A49 2020.
TÜRK CEZA KANUNU / Editör Av. Celal ÜLGEN by Seri kaydı:
Baskı: Yirmiikinci Baskı Dil: Türkçe İstanbul : BETA, 2020
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:345.561 T87 2020.