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Eine einheitliche europaische StraBennutzungsgebühr für die private Nutzung von Autobahnen Sebastian Schiweck; Supervisor: Sonja Keppler by Dil: Almanca
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia Cyprus International University 2018
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:D 126 S34 2018.
Finanzierungschancen und-Risiken für KMU AUF DEM immobilienmarkt schweiz Simon K. Vlachos; Supervisor: Sonja Keppler by Dil: Almanca
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia Cyprus International University 2018
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:D 134 V43 2018.
Patientenentscheidungen und patientenzufriedenheit Bei Freier Spitalwahl Dirk Wiedenhöfer;Supervisor:Sonja Keppler by Dil: Almanca, İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia Cyprus International University 2016
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:D 79 W44 2016.
Einflüsse staatlicher regulierungen auf die kundenzufriedenheit bei der finanzdienstleistungsberatung Marika Thiersch; Supervisor: Sonja Keppler by Dil: Almanca
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia Cyprus International University 2018
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:D 106 T45 2018.
Customer relationship management in der pharmazeutischen industrie-bedürfnisse und erwartungen von nieder-gelassenen arztenin den USA Martina Hoerauf-Umgeher; Supervisor: Sonja Keppler by Dil: Almanca
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia Cyprus International University 2018
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:D 109 H64 2018.
Project management frameworks and the fulfillment of requirements for the training and qualification of it project managers Arie Cornelis De Jong; Supervisor: Sonja Keppler by Dil: İngilizce
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia Cyprus International University 2017
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:D 98 D45 2017.
Einfluss der digitalisierung auf die entwicklung von führungskraften in der deutschen automobilindustrie Alexander Kitsukis; Supervisor: Sonja Keppler by Dil: Almanca
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia: Cyprus International University, 2020
Tez notu: Abstract Digitization, with all its elements, has meanwhile arrived in the German automotive industry and its impacts are not limited to changes in production and thus the value chain i.e. autonomous robots and digitized machines as most are already aware of, but it is also affecting employees, their working environment and therefore managers, the entire human resource department and everything and everyone in the executive management. Machines taking over simple and repetitive work and thus relieving a lot of employees of their initial work is of course on thing that has to be dealt with. What is only beginning to become aware to companies is the fact, that there is also a fundamental demographic change in staffing going on. New generations are demanding new ways of working, more freedom to act and more flexibility, they want to see the workplace culture changed from top down to bottom up and they are claiming self-development and a better work life balance. This change of the underlying values is changing everything in a company. The problem is, most managers don't really know, how to deal with all the changes in an appropriate manner and companies supposedly have bigger fish to fry than trainings, retraining and developing their managers this regarding. This dissertation is an investigation of the influence of the digitization on managers specifically and by means of interviews with experts it is enquired, how far development and retraining of managers towards digital leaders are advanced. The interviews were conducted with experts in the field working for leading original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and service providers, mostly heads of the human resource department and other people working in this field. The interviews showed, that although most of them are aware of the uprising digitization, they do not recognize its importance as it has not become a priority in their company yet. Development of managers is neglected and training are only offered outside working hours. All statements were categorized and summarized and based on the aggregated survey data and literature, the Digital Leader is differentiated from other current managing methods and finally defined as an independent style of leadership. Keywords: Digital Leadership; Digital Transformation; Human Resources Development; Automotive Industry
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:D 197 K48 2020.
Transformation in der leasing-branche: Hybride geschaftsmodelle vs. traditionelles leasing/ Johannes Brunner; Supervisor: Sonja Keppler by Dil: Almanca
Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia: Cyprus International University, 2020
Tez notu: ABSTRACT Leasing companies are trying to further develop their business models in order to remain competitive in the future. Customers are demanding hybrid offerings that combine products and services into a solution that suits them. Based on an empirical study, this paper contributes to new insights into hybrid business models in the leasing industry. The results show that about half of all leasing companies included in the analysis pursue hybrid business models. Above all, it becomes clear that leasing companies with a hybrid business model are more profitable. In addition, it can be shown that larger and manufacturer-dependent leasing companies are rather offering hybrid business models. At the same time, hybrid leasing companies have a more focused product portfolio. The derived recommendations for action can help leasing companies to successfully further develop their business models. Keywords: Hybrid business model, Leasing, Product-service system, Servitizatio
Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: CIU LIBRARY (1)Yer numarası:D 195 B78 2020.
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